Just wondering if any other RJ fans watch "Burn Notice".
It has a basic similar plot, guy with skill handles problems outside the law for people who can't handle themselves, for each episode, but the overall plot/aim is spy/espionage based.
Though, where Jack only works for money, Michael (the main character) works for money but sometimes he's simply guilted into jobs by his friends/family into helping.
Where Jack is a self made man and master of many trades, Michael Weston is a CIA guy. Operates outside the law, has tons of tricks of the trade/McGuyver-like skills, and he prefers to work from the shadows, or under an assumed ID.
That and his love interest is an ex-IRA gun/explosive maniac. So they differ in that way.
And his backup is a retired Navy SEAL turned gigilo played by Bruce Campbell. The humor is completely different, as is how he solves problems, but it's a fun little show if you happen to catch it on tv.