Noelie Wrote:Smokin' Aces and The Amityville Horror are the two movies that made me realize that I would *love* him as Jack. He looked utterly normal and not at all pretty boy in both of those and holy cow, can he do angry, tough and dangerous. While I loved him in Blade 3, he's capable of far more than that.
This is happy, happy news. 
Same here, Noelie. I'd only seen Ryan's comedic side until
Blade 3 and could tell he had good Hollywood action ability, but I couldn't imagine him finding Jack's bad side. He just didn't have that face or demeanor that would make you think he was capable of portraying a character with a vicious side. (Which in hindsight is actually perfect for Jack.) Then I saw
Amityville - namely, the scene where he grabs the boy by the face for letting go of the firewood - that's when I seen it in his eyes. Then
Aces came out and his action ability had really improved. I never really picked him as Jack, but I certainly have no complaints!!
I wonder... has he contacted FPW for advice on how to become Jack or is he stuck with Hollywood's interpretation??