WR.PARK Wrote:Walk a mile in my shoes...or as the old saying goes. For your edification, this ex-ad executive spent 42-years pushing for complete honesty in advertising, arguing that position with the managements of some of the biggest companies--and never wavered in that hard stance. That's why I'm sensitive toward anything that forms a cloud--and the reason I would have offered my recommednation as stated. Take it or leave it!
That the above post is in response to my pointing out the implied irony of someone with such a history and career in advertising implying a lack of honesty on the part of FPW and myself?
"Honesty in advertsing," what a novel concept that would be! I imagine that might have been a hard sell on Madison Avenue.

That would certainly distinguish you from the rest of the "snake oil merchants" and "patent medicine purveyors" of the 19th and early 20th centuries that were (let's face it) the predecessors of the modern ad industry.
Doubtless, you never stooped to work for an agency that had a tobacco industry client?
Like "Caesar's wife," FPW is beyond reproach. I have met few individuals who have taken as great pains to be as scrupulous in all his dealings as he. Like Ken Valentine (though probably to a lesser degree in my case), FPW has allowed me to offer some constructive advice, for which he has graciously mentioned me in a couple forewords. And, because of this "noblesse oblige," you postulate some favoritism or collusion on our part? I have become inured to the calumnies with which others seek to soil my escutcheon, but when you attempt to cast asparagus upon the good name (or at least, the good initials) of FPW, I must rise in his defense. The thought of anyone showing the least bit of favoritism to someone as muleheaded, antagonistic, caustic, opinionated, overbearing, snide, mocking, and sarcastic as myself is laughable. Frankly, I'm amazed that I haven't been permanently barred from posting on this site, thanks only to the forebearance and patience of Lisa and the other moderators.
Yet, I remain optimistic! I am sure that there are just as many truthful individuals in advertising on Madison Avenue as there are virgins in a brothel! Just kidding, I'm sure that fighting for honesty in advertising was a lonely, thankless, and frustrating fight. I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did. After my comparitively short sojourn writing advertising copy, I had to take a job as a towel boy in a Turkish bath, just until I got my self-respect back!