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law dawg   11-19-2006, 01:14 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:I have been mentioned in the acknowledgements section in a couple of FPW's books -- also for firearms advice -- and I had never actually met the man. The few times I have met him were at book signings. He learned who I was when he asked to whom he should inscribe the books.
Although I have never been mentioned in any books, that's almost the exact way I met Mr. Wilson. Then we retired to the bar....Smile

Quote:One of FPW's strong points as an author is that he does his research, and when he finds someone who has knowledge which will help him with some technical problem, he gives them credit for their assistance.
Yes he does! And admits it when he messes up, like we all do (a silenced revolver...). I am in the process of writing two books now - one fiction (thriller/mystery) and one non-fiction (about the lunacy of post-9/11 counterterrorism). It ain't easy. It is hard work. And so very, very easy to make a mistake. Hell, I am an expert in the field I'm talking about and I can see how easy it is to make a mistake.

Once you know how tough it is it makes excellent writing so much more impressive. And FPW is certainly impressive. And a very nice guy to top it off.
Sigokat   11-19-2006, 01:55 PM
WR.PARK Wrote:Frankly I wasn't overly enthused by the winning selection of the recent 'Stump Jack The Repairman Contest'--the winner was someone named New York Joe. In the acknowledgment page of the novel HARBINGERS, someone identified as New York Joe was thanked for his weaponary assistance. The contest winner was announced well after the novel was released. Was this just another 'coincidence'? If it is, in fairness to those entering the contest, an explanation might be in order. Different New York Joe? If it is the same, the individual mentioned in the acknowledgment should have been disqualified. Sorry if this sounds like sour grapes. Just trying to level the playing field.

Its not like NWJ got paid by FPW for his "assitance" with weapons. If you take the time to search these forums you will see that FPW asks for and receives a lot of advice from people here. I guess that means we should all be disqualified because we gave him our opinions on a particular matter.

Its over and done with...FIDO

Major K

"He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a Prince." George Graham Vest

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." - Maurice Maeterlinck
XamberB   11-19-2006, 04:12 PM
This really does sound like sour grapes. I would think since you are a published author, you would automatically disqualify yourself.

Hazel Stone
(A true, blue Fan)

Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. RAH
WR.PARK   11-19-2006, 06:22 PM
At this point I know how John Kerry felt when he botched his so-called-joke.

First of all, this was the first time I read or climbed into this forum. So I plead ignorance of forum members past interaction with FPW.

Second, I was coming at this from my 42-year experience advertising/marketing point-of-view, having learned from past mistakes. Perceptions can be murder! Believe me, I've got the scares to prove my original concern.

I surrender!

At the suggestion of a forum member, I offered my "Stump Jack the Repairman" scenario. How about the rest of you? No interest?
Dave F   11-19-2006, 06:28 PM
WR.PARK Wrote:At this point I know how John Kerry felt when he botched his so-called-joke.

First of all, this was the first time I read or climbed into this forum. So I plead ignorance of forum members past interaction with FPW.

Second, I was coming at this from my 42-year experience advertising/marketing point-of-view, having learned from past mistakes. Perceptions can be murder! Believe me, I've got the scares to prove my original concern.

I surrender!

At the suggestion of a forum member, I offered my "Stump Jack the Repairman" scenario. How about the rest of you? No interest?

As one of those to lambast you, I feel honor bound to attempt a scenario, I don't currenly have one as I wasn't eligible for the competition (not being a US citizen)

So I am working on one, can't say it will be wonderful, but I will post it once complete

The artist formally known as Britfan
KRW   11-19-2006, 07:07 PM
WR.PARK Wrote:Just trying to level the playing field.

That has a nice ring to it, it should be put on a t-shirt or a coffee mug or something.Big Grin

Welcome to the board!
KRW   11-19-2006, 07:21 PM
Sourdoughs Wrote:Maybe it's sour grapes, maybe not. Not everyone will like the entry. I do fully trust that this contest was on the up-and-up. Personally I'd still like to read the other entries just for fun.


Agreed. It was more fore the bragging rights than for the money. Joe's scenario was pretty good, but I don't think I completely understood the rules100%. I just wrote a scenerio for Jack. Basicly, the two seriel killers we had roaming around Phoenix this last summer had me wondering what Jack would do with one. I presented the scenario that Julio's sister had been attacked and killed by the "Facelift Killer" (Carly) and came to Jack to track down this killer and make them pay. I also saw it as an oppurtunity to cross over his books again.
Ken Valentine   11-19-2006, 11:28 PM
law dawg Wrote:Yes he does! And admits it when he messes up, like we all do (a silenced revolver...).

Revolvers can be silenced . . . but it takes a bit of work. The most important thing is reducing the barrel/cylinder gap. With that in mind, the best kind of revolver to silence is a single action revolver. (The cylinder doesn't swing out to the side on a crane and therefore you can get away with a smaller barrel/cylinder gap.) About the minimum gap I can get on a double action is 2 thousandths of an inch, and still have it function. And you need to have less than 1 thousandth end-shake. I can get a single action down to less than 1 thousandth -- of course that means that you need to have less than 1 thou end-shake as well.

With any silencer, there is a point of diminishing returns. And that point is reached when the sound of the bullet strike is louder than the sound of the shot. Whether you hit flesh or drywall, the sound of the strike is kinda noisy.

Quote:I am in the process of writing two books now - one fiction (thriller/mystery) and one non-fiction (about the lunacy of post-9/11 counterterrorism). It ain't easy. It is hard work. And so very, very easy to make a mistake. Hell, I am an expert in the field I'm talking about and I can see how easy it is to make a mistake.

Good luck with your writing, I bet they'd both be interesting reads. I'd be especially interested in the second book, but the first one may be intriguing as well.

Quote:Once you know how tough it is it makes excellent writing so much more impressive. And FPW is certainly impressive. And a very nice guy to top it off.

I'll second that.

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   11-19-2006, 11:35 PM
sigokat Wrote:Its over and done with...FIDO

I had a suspicion that FIDO was an acronym, so I looked it up . . . Forget It, Drive On. (Or, "F" It, Drive On.)

That's another one I'll add to my lexicon. Big Grin

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   11-19-2006, 11:41 PM
WR.PARK Wrote:How about the rest of you? No interest?

No time, and my mind doesn't work that way. I don't seem to be able to come up with a situation without having a way out of it as well.

Ken V.
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