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Ken Valentine   12-30-2004, 02:08 AM
Mr_Falcon Wrote:wow-
I'd hate to be the pharamcist who has to read his prescriptions. Big Grin
Of course, as I am a doctor myself, I can't say my signature is any neater. Rolleyes

It's one of the prerequisites for entry into medical school. I think it's against the law for doctors to have a legible signature.

On the other hand, it would be awfully difficult to forge wouldn't it.

Ken V.
Mr_Falcon   12-31-2004, 04:22 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:On the other hand, it would be awfully difficult to forge wouldn't it.

Ken V.

Not that people haven't tried.
What I have the few times someone has tried that on me is not forging my signature, but altering the prescription itself (such as trying to increase the number of tablets dispensed). That type of sh!t makes me pretty angry.
SteveBlack   12-31-2004, 05:51 PM
Mr_Falcon Wrote:Not that people haven't tried.
What I have the few times someone has tried that on me is not forging my signature, but altering the prescription itself (such as trying to increase the number of tablets dispensed). That type of sh!t makes me pretty angry.
Hi Mr Falcon - I'm a pharmacist in the UK and I've seen some real poor attempts at forgery. I've had addicts adding digits to change the quantity to be supplied from e.g. 28 tablets to 128 tablets but using a different coloured pen - very funny and even funnier when the coppers come and take them away!! Big Grin
A big problem over here is GP's prescription pads getting pinched and then addicts write their own prescriptions. The annoying thing is the Dr doesn't even have to keep them locked up and there's no comeback on the Dr when it happens :mad: - a £50 fine per stolen sheet and they'd take better care methinks!

Ken Valentine   12-31-2004, 09:57 PM
Mr_Falcon Wrote:Not that people haven't tried.
What I have the few times someone has tried that on me is not forging my signature, but altering the prescription itself (such as trying to increase the number of tablets dispensed). That type of sh!t makes me pretty angry.

On one hand, I can understand your frustration. On the other hand, doctors are often persecuted for giving patients -- especially terminal patients -- sufficient pain meds. On the third hand, (third hand?) if some people cause themselves damage by not listening to their doctor, and over-medicate themselves, I say, "Let them." You can't teach individual responsibility by protecting people from the consequences of their own actions.

Ken V.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   01-03-2005, 12:29 PM
Biggles Wrote:Don't worry Mike. I don't own a shotgun.

So you borrowed one from Ken to deal out your own brand of frontier justice? I repeat: mercy....=somebody=!
Biggles   01-03-2005, 11:27 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:So you borrowed one from Ken to deal out your own brand of frontier justice? I repeat: mercy....=somebody=!

I would never borrow a shotgun. If I can't hit the target with a handgun or a rifle, I won't shoot.

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
Mr_Falcon   01-05-2005, 12:14 AM
Ken Valentine Wrote:On one hand, I can understand your frustration. On the other hand, doctors are often persecuted for giving patients -- especially terminal patients -- sufficient pain meds. On the third hand, (third hand?) if some people cause themselves damage by not listening to their doctor, and over-medicate themselves, I say, "Let them." You can't teach individual responsibility by protecting people from the consequences of their own actions.

Ken V.

Wow: you have a lot of hands, Ken! Big Grin
I am actually a shrink by specialty, and you are right about one thing: I treat anxiety for a living. People sometimes, out of desperation, will try to take tranquilizers against my advice because they are looking for a quick fix for their suffering. Unfortunately, they usually get worse as a result which is what I told them in the first place. I guess I get paid to say 'I told you so." Rolleyes
Bluesman Mike Lindner   01-09-2005, 09:17 PM
Biggles Wrote:I would never borrow a shotgun. If I can't hit the target with a handgun or a rifle, I won't shoot.

I admire your high standards, Biggles, but wouldn't you agree that in some situations a riot gun is definitely the weapon of choice?
KRW   01-09-2005, 09:20 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:I admire your high standards, Biggles, but wouldn't you agree that in some situations a riot gun is definitely the weapon of choice?

Taking someone's earlobe off at 30 paces makes a hell of a statement too! Big Grin Try that with a scattergun.

Bluesman Mike Lindner   01-09-2005, 09:22 PM
KRW Wrote:Taking someone's earlobe off at 30 paces makes a hell of a statement too! Big Grin Try that with a scattergun.


Doubtless, but sometimes the statement you want to make is, "See you in Hell!"
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