troutster Wrote:Hi Everyone!
I just found this board and am glad I know about it now! After a search revealed nothing I figured I would make my first post.
I just received a copy of Gateways as a Christmas present. When I opened it I see what appears to be F. Paul Wilson's autograph on the the title page! Is this legit? Are there many out there?
The book was ordered from either or by the person who gave it to me.
Thanks for any information!
Hi, Scott, and welcome to the board. If fun, fury and, uh, fun are your delights, you've come to the right site. As far as autographed copies go, I gotta 'fess up. I work for B&N Lincoln Triangle, and I try to keep Paul's books in stock, as much as I can. And as soon as they come in, why, don't I decorate them with a pretty good imitation of Paul's own signature? I think they're prettier that way! HEY--JUST KIDDING ! BIGGLES, THAT'S A LOVELY SHOTGUN, BUT PLEASE POINT IT ELSEWHERE ! MAGGERS, HOW COME THE MARINE FIGHTING KNIFE? QUEENS--LOVELY QUEENS, GRACIOUS QUEENS--IS THAT A--A--NOOSE I SEE ON THE END OF THAT VERY STURDY-LOOKING ROPE YOU'VE GOT THERE? Oh...oh...mercy!