cobalt79 Wrote:Great episode, I agree Noelie. And the opening scene, gives a new meaning to "blood bath".....yuck.
AsMoral Wrote:I have to know Bill in the entire book series? The idea of something happening to him is unfathomable. Someone put up a spoiler warning and put my mind at ease. Or at least private message me.[SPOILER]Bill is in the entire series but he is, ah... not with Sookie. He becomes a much more peripheral character around book 2, I think it is. Hard to say what Alan Ball will eventually do with Bill though, because TVBill has a MUCH more loyal fan base than BookBill ever did.[/SPOILER]
cobalt79 Wrote:True Noelie. But as the story goes along, [SPOILER]Bill is indeed on the outside looking in on Sookie. But what I can't wait for is Sookie with Eric![/SPOILER][SPOILER]Yup. I've had mixed feelings about BookBill for a long time specifically because of that. BookEric, on the other hand, developed in a way that I never would have expected. And I agree, I can't wait for that either.
cobalt79 Wrote:Also, I found watching Eric strut about....made him even hotter!It did. I was also pleased as punch that we're finally starting to see glimmers of what makes Eric SO awesome in the books.