Libby Wrote:Have any of you seen "All in the Family"?
mad4tunes Wrote:Oh...and here I thought you were going to talk about really old shows, like "I Love Lucy", "The Millionaire", and "The Naked City"...young whippersnappers!:thumbsup:
But I did enjoy "All In the Family"...even if Archie Bunker reminded me of my mother's husband, Godzilla.
Welcome back, Libby...I've missed you, at least!!
AsMoral Wrote:I love "All in the Family"! One of the best written shows in the history of television. Ranks up there with "M*A*S*H" (Pre Alan Alda writing/directing, it just got weird then). "I Love Lucy" was great, "Maude" was a blast...I am sure more will come to mind.
AsMoral Wrote:I love "All in the Family"! One of the best written shows in the history of television. Ranks up there with "M*A*S*H" (Pre Alan Alda writing/directing, it just got weird then). "I Love Lucy" was great, "Maude" was a blast...I am sure more will come to mind.
Libby Wrote:Though I have never seen it, The Flying Nun had a cool concept.
webby Wrote:Meh. It was ok, but not great.
Other great ones:
Happy Days (early years - you know, before it literally jumped the shark)
The Odd Couple
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Bob Newhart Show (any show that inspires its own drinking game ranks very high on the greatness meter)
Libby Wrote:Have any of you seen "All in the Family"?