Maggers Wrote:Hey, look over there! It's a shiny chicken!
Maggers Wrote:Hey, look over there! It's a shiny chicken!
Scott Miller Wrote:But can it, or will it cross the road?
webby Wrote:
Mythbusters's Answer:
If you fire a frozen chicken out of a cannon; not only will it cross a road, it could be a lethal projectile.
Great. Now I'm all distracted reading new chicken jokes.(Oh, there's a good one from the cast of LOST for all you LOST fans)
Maggers Wrote:ROFL!
I like cheese but too many calories. What do you think is the best way to loose weight? My favorite form of exercise is swimming. What do you do to stay fit?
Biggles Wrote:You've met me, Maggers, so you should be able to answer that last question---
The best way to lose weight, though, is undoubtedly decomposition. It takes a while, and the results are not entirely satisfactory, but it is foolproof!
Scott Miller Wrote:I'm having chicken for dinner sometime next week.
webby Wrote:Dammit, Scott. You just made me remember that I have to figure out what to do with the chicken I thawed out for dinner tonight! :mad:
Scott Miller Wrote:I'm having chicken for dinner sometime next week.
Biggles Wrote:I never have chickens for dinner; sometimes family, and less often friends. I don't really know any chickens that well. There was this guy locally who knew chickens in the biblical sense. I have definitely never known any chickens that well.