Since this thread's topic is simply the number of the thread, and since I have nothing better to do at the moment, and since there are naysayers among you who chortled at my suggestion at the GU in Disney World that one could make wine from grass (or any other fermentable organic material--think about it), I'm sharing with you this recipe for dandelion wine. Tell me: If you could make wine from dandelions, why not from grass?
"DANDELION WINE (ingredients):
1 gallon of dandelion blossoms (washed)
1 gallon of hot water
juice of 1 lemon
3 oranges, peeled and sliced
4 lbs. sugar
a cake of yeast
Then allow to "brew" in a covered container
(glass, plastic, or ceramic rather than metal). Be sure it has a release valve or is loosely covered.
Allow at least 24 hrs. - or until bubbling ceases, in a room temperature environment.
You can "rack" (clear off residue) and allow to brew once more, though it will be less active the second time.
Filter (or allow to settle)in a cool dry and dark location. Aging is advised until the flavor reaches your personal preference.
Minimum 3 weeks to settle. 2 months total to age before bottling. Keep covered and at a constant cool temp. until bottled or jarred.
Sweetness and dryness is effected by additional water & sugar (second brewing can do this)."