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Marc   03-15-2005, 02:32 PM
Maggers Wrote:In the "60 Minutes" interview with Lucas last Sunday, they showed Yoda doing exactly that, jumping, thrashing, slashing, etc., etc. Yoda is no longer a puppet handled by a puppetmaster. He's become totally computer animated. Totally.

As he was in Episode II. Still don't like him jumping around because I don't believe it.
jimbow8   03-15-2005, 02:46 PM
Marc B. Wrote:Am I the only one seriously worried about the quality of the third movie? The previews for Episode I looked amazing yet the film lacked on every level imaginable (except SFX).

When Episode II came out Lucas stated that it was going to be darker than the first one. Most people, including myself, took that to mean the story was going to be dark. The fact of the matter is that the look of the movie was dark... i.e. a lot of night scenes.

This preview, once again, makes the film look good (except for the stupid "You were the chosen one!" line) but I am very nervous about the final product. This could be the movie to redeem the previous two but I'm not holding my breath.

Things I don't want to see: any reference to "the one". Ever since "The Matrix" it seems like every big action movie has to have THE ONE in it somewhere. Granted, "The Matrix" wasn't the first movie to ever reference "the one" but it seems everyone has had the need to rip it off since.

I don't want to see Yoda jumping around with a lightsaber. I hated it in Episode II and I'll hate it in Episode III if it happens. He's old and walks around with a cane for Christsake. He'd throw his back out if he did that much jumping around. He's an all powerful Jedi master. He shouldn't be reduced to physically fighting with a lightsaber.

I know "Star Wars" is fantasy and a lot of people may think I'm reading way too much into it and that I should suspend my disbelief, but even a film like "Star Wars" has to abide by certain rules it has established for itself.

And lastly, do I really need to mention midichlorians?
I wouldn't say you are the only one worried. I am a little, but I have been waiting for this for so long that my excitement overcomes that. I am sure that it will not be without its flaws, though. I still enjoy watching Eps. 1 and 2 aside from a few scenes (like the pod race). They aren't perfect, but they are still fun to watch... to escape. Need I remind you of similar problems with the original series (the ewoks)?

As far as "the chosen one," I have no substantial problem with this as long as it isn't overused. Yoda being old and jumping around..... I have some major issues with the SW timeline which I won't bore you with here, and Yoda's athletic ability is the least of them. Wink Again, as long as they don't overdo this, I am OK with it. (No, I hope he doesn't do anything similar in Ep 3, either.)

Midichlorians..... Where to begin? It was a stupid thing to begin with - should have never been in Ep 1. I think Lucas probably wishes it didn't exist and therefore hasn't mentioned it again. It wouldn't surprise me if he edited it out of the film in a later release. However, the fact that he has COMPLETELY ignored what was such an important revelation somehow makes the matter worse, IMHO.

My biggest problem is that there is so much left to cover in the time before Ep 4 happens that I don't see how it can all be covered. It was compounded by the fact that Ep 1 did not advance the story much at all. It seemed like a waste of a movie (that is my biggest problem with it - not the story itself).

Keep an eye out for the Clone Wars animated features, which apparently cover things between Ep 2 and Ep 3. I have heard they are excellent.


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Marc   03-15-2005, 02:56 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Need I remind you of similar problems with the original series (the ewoks)?

The only fault I have with the Ewok's is that they were a little too cute for the movies but they weren't stupid. Jar-Jar is stupid. The Ewok's were primitive, yes, but they knew how to fight. Jar-Jar drops things, rolls around, and is just useless baggage they should never have been introduced.

Quote:[Episode IV] was compounded by the fact that Ep 1 did not advance the story much at all. It seemed like a waste of a movie (that is my biggest problem with it - not the story itself).

It was a waste of a movie. Nothing was revealed that we didn't already know (except the Midichlorians). I don't care if it is a prequel and we're following the fall of Anakin the movies still need to reveal information we previously weren't aware of... fill in the holes. Episode I didn't do any of that.

Quote:Keep an eye out for the Clone Wars animated features, which apparently cover things between Ep 2 and Ep 3. I have heard they are excellent.

I saw the first season and really liked it. This is what Episode II should have been. Looking forward to Season 2. Unfortunately, I don't get Cartoon Network so I'm going to have to track them down by some other means.
jimbow8   03-15-2005, 03:59 PM
Marc B. Wrote:I saw the first season and really liked it. This is what Episode II should have been. Looking forward to Season 2. Unfortunately, I don't get Cartoon Network so I'm going to have to track them down by some other means.
I would have to agree if you mean that Ep 2 should have been Ep 1 and [Animated Series] should have been Ep 2. I didn't see any of them. I am looking forward to watching them from Netflix (or buying them). I get Cartoon Network, so just come on over. When does Season 2 start?

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Scott Hajek   03-15-2005, 04:22 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:I would have to agree if you mean that Ep 2 should have been Ep 1 and [Animated Series] should have been Ep 2. I didn't see any of them. I am looking forward to watching them from Netflix (or buying them). I get Cartoon Network, so just come on over. When does Season 2 start?

Actually, Volume II starts March 21. The DVD for Volume I comes out on March 22.

As far as the movies go, I believe that it was intended for the politics involved to be a main story line that connects the first two movies to the third. Jar Jar was merely a foil for the Emperor-to-be and the role of Queen-turned-Senator Amidala to establish a link to the Galactic governing body. Since the Jedi lore involved "the chosen one" who would "bring balance to the Force" everyone knew that Anakin would show up eventually. So, pod-racing was Lucas' way of reliving his formative years in a glorified drag-race and filler for the first movie.

The things that bothered me the most about Ep. I: midi-chlorians... I cringed when I saw the movie opening day. It was the same skin-crawling feeling you get when seeing a gruesome death scene in a slasher flick or one of the eating stunts on Fear Factor. The other bad thing in Ep. I: Anakin built C3P0. Up until that moment, it was believed that Threepio had been in operation for over 100 years. Who knows how long R2-D2 existed. At least he remained the same through all the movies so far.

Ep. II: Yoda the fighter. This obviously bothers some, but as the jedi master might say "Judge not the cover. Deceiving can it be." I personally loved him being a scrapper. I didn't like the look of him in CGI form (and Jabba in Star Wars, ha!), but I did like his performance.

Scott Hajek

[i]"A beer right now would sound good, but I'd rather drink one than listen to it."[/i]
jimbow8   03-15-2005, 04:34 PM
Scott Hajek Wrote:Actually, Volume II starts March 21. The DVD for Volume I comes out on March 22.
Thanks for the info.

Scott Hajek Wrote:The other bad thing in Ep. I: Anakin built C3P0. Up until that moment, it was believed that Threepio had been in operation for over 100 years. Who knows how long R2-D2 existed. At least he remained the same through all the movies so far.
This goes with the timeline problems I mentioned... but where did you get that C3PO had been around for 100+ years?

Until the prequels came out, I had always been under the impression that the Empire had been around for more than 18 years.

Hey Marc, apparently you can watch the episodes online the day after they premiere. CLICK HERE
This post was last modified: 03-15-2005, 05:01 PM by jimbow8.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Scott Hajek   03-15-2005, 05:17 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:This goes with the timeline problems I mentioned... but where did you get that C3PO had been around for 100+ years?

From the Star Wars CCG by Decipher, first set of cards:
"Cybot Galactica 3PO human-cyborg relations droid. Fluent in over six million forms of communication. 112 years old. Has never been memory-wiped... as far as he knows."

The text from these cards (I believe) were vetted by the Lucas Archivists for accuracy.

Scott Hajek

[i]"A beer right now would sound good, but I'd rather drink one than listen to it."[/i]
fpw   03-15-2005, 05:57 PM
R2D2 and C3PO were in the trailer.

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
Lisa   03-15-2005, 06:15 PM
I decided to go totally spoiler-free for Episode III. That includes no previews. What's in this thread is almost the only stuff I've read about the movie so far. I figure maybe the lack of expectations might help...

BTW, my kids saw Robots over the weekend and thought it was pretty good. So at least it appeals to kids.

Marc   03-15-2005, 06:21 PM
Lisa Wrote:I decided to go totally spoiler-free for Episode III. That includes no previews.

Let me give you a recap: Anakin walking around half naked. Explosions. Obi-Wan saying how he doesn't trust Anakin. Space battle. Explosions. Yoda scowling. Anakin scowling. Obi-Wan scowling. Explosions. "You were the chosen one!" Explosions. Title card.
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