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ImDeranged   06-04-2012, 05:48 PM
I admit I was a little apprehensive when I heard about the new trilogy. I even had the thought that uggh "Repairman Jack" has become a bigger name then FPW and now that we're caught up to Nightworld the publisher wants more Jack so FPW might be trapped into writing Jack's stories for a bigger paycheck from Tor. Yes I am a little jaded and slightly cynical. But let me say it looks like FPW still believes in value received for value given because if he was paid more.... he delivered more.

Paul, it's been said on this sight before that you're "The Man" let me just one up that and say "Paul, you da Meng"!.... what? can't a guy like me who grow up in suburbia use that? To steal a quote "I'm taking it back..." what do you mean it was never mine to begin with? Sorry Julio.

I loved the Mikulski Brothers, Thank you for including them. Their first meeting with Jack is a story I've been wanting to read for years. Same with Julio and by extension Barney and Lou. Brilliant use of Paul Simon.

And the coincidences that just "happened" which long time readers see through to know the how, why, and who of it all aren't as forced....ok forced isn't the quite the right word but close. The last three books or so leading up to The Dark at The End haven't been stand alone works and build onto each other but the narrative tended to get derailed in constantly re-establishing what had happened previously. Cold City while not completely free of that (it does make a handful of references to the YA trilogy) is free enough to be a looser fun ride. And a book you can give to somebody who hasn't read a RJ novel before.

OK nits time. With the full understanding that I loved the book. Spelling/typos I actually didn't notice any. Paul-Did you get a new editor or proofreader? The phone.... While it was established early on the Jack didn't have a phone he ends up giving his number to Berle's guy making his "Lonnie" ID. It is later established that it's to a phone in his apartment and his neighbors answer and use the same phone. It probably should have been established earlier so the reader isn't jarred into thinking what phone? Also beg's the question who are Jack's neighbors and which ones are getting his messages? Also the term "Mobile Phone" was used in a conversation between Jack and Abe which in 1990 would've been the term used, later a "cell phone" was mentioned lead me to wonder when the term "cell phone" originated.

Movies: Jack's been since I first started reading him a movie guy. Not just modern blockbusters he even referenced Der Golem as a 22 year old. So I find it out of place for him as a 22 year old in 1990 not to have a TV in his apartment. Yes going by the painful sit-coms he watched on the road it's understandable not to have a TV for television....actually no in 1990 he'd want it for cable and the movie channels. So while he's working as a landscaper it works, once he's hoarding away money I see him buying a 27" tv and a laser-disc player. Small "nit" Predator 2 didn't open until Thanksgiving weekend 1990 so Cristin and Jack wouldn't have seen it yet. It's very likely if they were talking movies on their date they would've referenced the Godfather Part III, it opened Christmas Day and I remember talking about the trailer for a few months before it opened.

And of course like the greatest of 90's works the novel ends with a Diner scene... ok it has loose ends that aren't fully tied up and leaves the reader wanting that next book right away. But when don't we. Cold City is a great piece of the larger puzzle. It has just enough to stand on it's own but also links to the bigger picture. Thank You Paul.
quikfix228   06-04-2012, 05:56 PM
wait you got your cold city copy already?!?!?!?! when????
Marc   06-04-2012, 07:10 PM
quikfix228 Wrote:wait you got your cold city copy already?!?!?!?! when????

He may have a copy of the limited edition from Gauntlet Press.
quikfix228   06-04-2012, 07:29 PM
yes im sure he did! i preordered mine too! i just hope i get it soon! what better than to get cold city the fewdays after i finished nightworld!!!!!
Brian   06-04-2012, 07:32 PM
Then, there will soon be a book in the mail for us. I'll be the good guy and let cobalt read it first. Like I'd have an even small chance of getting it first. Big Grin

There is no wise man without fault
ImDeranged   06-04-2012, 08:00 PM
I've got an almost complete set of the Gauntlet editions, but this time I didn't pre-order one ... so I should clarify I didn't get a Gauntlet edition. So if you're waiting check their website or emails for when they start shipping out, as far as I know they haven't yet. The site just says Summer so hopefully soon for everyone that's waiting.

What I will say is it's nice to have certain connections. Wink If you're a nice person good things come to you. It's called Karma. So hopefully Brian's letting Cobalt read it first will bring him some good karma. Thanks again Paul.

BTW I forgot to mention I loved when Jack relizes he's become a "career criminal"....spending $.50 on a Stephen King book. Priceless
Dave618   06-04-2012, 10:21 PM
I'm hoping a question I have buzzing around in my head will be answered in the upcoming trilogy--where did RJ get his fighting prowess. I'm only on All The Rage so maybe it's explained somewhere down the line, but I distinctly remember in Legacies Jack explaining to his client that going up against a few big dudes in a fistfight by yourself is a sure way to get your face rearranged. Later in the same book RJ shows some combat-type handfighting technique. Was he trained? If so, where and when and by whom? Hopefully I'll get the answer to that soon, but the one question I would really like to know is who killed/mutilated Olive Farina in Conspiracies?
cobalt   06-05-2012, 09:30 AM
#8 AR copy. That's cool.

quikfix228   06-05-2012, 06:36 PM
ohhhhh okay. i was calling my father and asking if our gauntlet copies came after reading that post! too bad. im so looking forward to cold city. does anyone know exactly when it ships? you guys are too lucky getting an advanced readers copy. get me on the list for those!!!!!
fpw   06-06-2012, 01:50 PM
I signed a bunch of ARCs for Gauntlet and they send others out for review. As for cell phones, back in the day they were called "car phones" and "mobile phones" and were the size of a brick. In the UK they're still called "mobiles."

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
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