ImDeranged Wrote:In my first post I asked if Paul had a new proof-reader because it really did show. I didn't know it was you. Great job I didn't see a single typo which is a major improvement over previous Gauntlet editions. Again I haven't got the last few but had planned on getting them. It's always been worth the payoff to read the Gauntlets before the Tor's come out but it's a little frustrating to spend $60 on a collectors edition and see that many mistakes. Predator 2 is one that is easy enough to give a pass to, Jack is in a slightly different reality from ours where it opened as a summer movie.At least they didn't make a date to go see the new John Hughes movie
Agreed on his preferred method.... but Jack is from the video generation. When we first meet him he is watching a James Whale marathon on Betamax/Laserdisc/ or DVD depending on the release date of the first book. He also has a friend in one of the early books he networks with by exchanging rare out of print movies with. It's a pre-established characteristic of his that ended up disappearing in the books once the "otherness" took over. While he's landscaping I can see him getting by without one, but once he starts making all that money that he doesn't know what to do with I'd think he'd want one of the top of the line laserdisc players that even flipped the disc over. I mean it is 1990 right? What is he a savage? To me it does seem out of character, he's already a movie geek by this point as referenced by him mentioning Der Golem...
It wasn't that it wasn't established sooner. It was. It's just that after it's established that Jack doesn't have a phone he leaves his phone number with the guy making his "Lonnie" id. .... Later on it's established that the number is to a phone in the hallway of his apartment. When Jack gives out the number it should've been mentioned that it was to a communial phone and to just leave a message for Jack.
Hopefully soon for you then. Again it's a great book. The nits I bring up are only slight and minor. So thank you again Paul and also a big thank you to the proof-reader(s) for their work.... Because it really shows by not showing. The character debate is interesting though. After more people read it it'll be interesting to see if they view Jack with the start of a video collection in 1990 once he's come into some money or if they feel that he wouldn't buy a tv until later.
Fenian1916 Wrote:I don't like to pick apart a book and look for errors.
Marc Wrote:He's trying to insult me because he knows I've been proofreading Paul's books for for Gauntlet for years. Between personal life and work I only have about one week to read through the manuscript so it is rushed a bit. However, on average I spot about 125 – 150 errors though I know I miss more. I am happy though someone else is checking.
Fenian1916 Wrote:I don't like to pick apart a book and look for errors.
Fenian1916 Wrote:You should be insulted for your Obama love but that's about it LOLComment reserved for a political discussion one day.
BK Akitas Wrote:as long as all the big stuff's clear- weapons, characters, places and time, I'm good
Fenian1916 Wrote:I don't like to pick apart a book and look for errors. Just read it, enjoy it, hate it, whatever. If you spend that much money on a book you should pass over the errors and be happy you got to read an early version of it. It's like seeing an advanced screening of a movie things will change between it and the final release. It's the author just like the director that gets to tell the story not a proofreader or an editor.
BK Akitas Wrote:I'm one of those jerks who sees flashing lights and hears air raid sirens when there's an error. I'll take my spanking now, thank you. ;p
several years back there was a glaring error in the timeline for Rakoshi and I couldn't believe, what with the updated year range and all, that it fell through. even more, I couldn't believe how many people read it and missed it. it's a treasured part of my collection though, mistake and all.the first Rapp prequel also had a massive error in the base storyline (they changed the name of his fiancee- the woman whose death brought his mission to life) I can still love (or hate) a piece of work, despite of its errors. and there's always something. being able to find at least one small OOPS I think reminds me that there's a real person behind those covers. to err is human
as long as all the big stuff's clear- weapons, characters, places and time, I'm good
I suppose since they are talking sequels it could be changed- if there's time- to Die Hard 2. still an action flick. and better than P2. just please gawd, not delta Force 2! the horror!!!!!!
I could have sworn P2 was a summer flick...maybe that misconception was based on the fact it's set in a sweltering hot summer.