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t4terrific   06-07-2009, 06:16 PM
ccosborne3 Wrote:Plus I always imagine the author getting bored and pissed by the time he gets around to signing the 300's. Fuck you 321! Lick my balls 322! Toss my salad 323! and so on.

It would be funny for fpw to leave little inscriptions on some of the limiteds to see if a forum member gets one and posts about it.
fpw   06-07-2009, 09:33 PM
ccosborne3 Wrote:Question here for FPW. Why are there two ARC's available? I assume the BEA version is for critics and newspapers and such to garnish publicity and reviews. Why does Gauntlet publish one? Depending on how many are printed it seems like a needless expense. Not complaining, just curious about the process.
I'm not sure why. There aren't many Gauntlet ARCs. Gauntlet's not allowed to send them to the trade publications like PW and Kirkus and Library Journal, just genre venues on and offline.

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
Ken Valentine   06-08-2009, 12:06 AM
lexator222 Wrote:Yeah, well, I still have my copy of "By the Sword" personally signed by the great man himself (he had verified the signature on this site!) and they will have to pry it out of my cold DEAD hands!!!!! Hehehehehehe
I'm with you and Cobalt here. I buy the limiteds so that I don't have to wait for the mass market books, and as I often reread them, I'd have to be desperate for cash to even consider selling one.

Ken V.
mreilly611   06-09-2009, 02:48 AM
ccosborne3 Wrote:In previous years Gauntlet always offered a few copies for sale via Ebay. This time around they have all been sold by people who got their hands on it early. I picked up a copy last night on Ebay for $80. If memory serves I paid $140 for Bloodline and $110 for By the Sword.

Question here for FPW. Why are there two ARC's available? I assume the BEA version is for critics and newspapers and such to garnish publicity and reviews. Why does Gauntlet publish one? Depending on how many are printed it seems like a needless expense. Not complaining, just curious about the process.

Hey ccosborne3, I am the person you bought the arc from on Ebay. Just to let you know it will ship today 6/9 via priority mail and you should have by Thursday. You are going to be in for a treat. I cant wait for book to be published so I can read other peoples reviews on book. As for myself I loved it. Finished book in under 2 days. FPW you are the MAN!!!
t4terrific   06-09-2009, 12:00 PM
mreilly611 Wrote:Finished book in under 2 days.

This has been the RJ standard, for me, since Infernal. 2 days. Once I get started, all I want to do is read.
jmez87   06-09-2009, 01:33 PM
Ok..this may sound stupid and i apologize in advance. What is an ARC. I see it everywhere and i just cant figure out what it is. Can someone tell me and once again, i know its a stupid question and im sorry for wasting time.
jmez87   06-09-2009, 01:50 PM
I think its funny how people that read these books dont want to let them go. its funny to me because im one of them and i like most readers... have a very tough time lending them so much that i havent lent them out since i got my first RJ novel 4 years ago. They are the only books i keep. i let go of books like davinci code and others but i will never let go of Wilson collection.

cobalt   06-09-2009, 01:53 PM
An ARC is an Advanced Reading Copy.

No stupid questions! Never....Smile.....well from someone else...maybe.

Lysistrata   06-09-2009, 03:28 PM
jmez87 Wrote:Ok..this may sound stupid and i apologize in advance. What is an ARC. I see it everywhere and i just cant figure out what it is. Can someone tell me and once again, i know its a stupid question and im sorry for wasting time.

Didn't know it either Smile

Thanks Cobalt!

Trying to be nice
Lysistrata   06-09-2009, 03:29 PM
cobalt79 Wrote:No stupid questions! Never....Smile.....well from someone else...maybe.

Now, who could that be? hmm...

Trying to be nice
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