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Marc   01-21-2009, 11:58 PM
For those that don't want Lost spoiled don't read this thread. As has become tradition, here is the official RJ Lost thread. Spoilers aplenty in here!

You have been warned.
Marc   01-22-2009, 12:00 AM
After the first hour... what the hell? Unstuck in time? Poor Desmond. If I was in his position I'd be completely freaked out when Daniel appeared.

It was an awesome first hour. Here's hoping hour two is just as good!
Marc   01-22-2009, 12:28 PM
For those that watched the season premiere of Lost last night what did you think?

It is so good to finally have this show back after half a year off, and it's obvious the writers have not lost their touch. Right off the bat my jaw dropped when Faraday appeared in the past when the Dharma stations were first being built. What's up with that?

And now the survivors still on the island are unstuck in time?

With time travel being such a prominent factor now in the series I'm beginning to wonder if the clock woman at the end (whom we first saw in season 2 or 3) is actually Penny as an old woman. Is that a possibility?

Who is Faraday's mother? Have we met her yet?

You can tell the writers are going to start giving us hints at the big picture, and I think over the course of this season a lot will be answered. It was great that Lost hit the ground running and I doubt it will let up.

(Oh... and I think Locke is faking his death. It's probably a drug or something that has slowed his vitals down.)
cobalt   01-22-2009, 12:43 PM
Marc Wrote:For those that watched the season premiere of Lost last night what did you think?

It is so good to finally have this show back after half a year off, and it's obvious the writers have not lost their touch. Right off the bat my jaw dropped when Faraday appeared in the past when the Dharma stations were first being built. What's up with that?

And now the survivors still on the island are unstuck in time?

With time travel being such a prominent factor now in the series I'm beginning to wonder if the clock woman at the end (whom we first saw in season 2 or 3) is actually Penny as an old woman. Is that a possibility?

Who is Faraday's mother? Have we met her yet?

You can tell the writers are going to start giving us hints at the big picture, and I think over the course of this season a lot will be answered. It was great that Lost hit the ground running and I doubt it will let up.

(Oh... and I think Locke is faking his death. It's probably a drug or something that has slowed his vitals down.)
I was amazed to see Faraday at the initial dig for the Orchid station. He must one of the ones that are special. Locke, Desmond and Ben appear to have that in common as well.

The clock woman as an old Penny? No I think she is Faraday's mother.

Being unstuck in time sure is messing with Locke...but he catches up some how at the end of the episode. Is he dead in that coffin.....I think so...but his body has to go back to the island for time to affect it I think.

colburn0004   01-22-2009, 01:44 PM
I loved the first episode right from the start when it was making you guess who was waking up with the baby and then for it to be the man in the instruction films was great. And the Fereday surprise was great. At first I was wondering what was going on but later on I was thinking that them jumping through time at some point lands them there and that's why Fereday was in the mine with the dharma people. I definitely like how they are doing this season with the flash backs to 3 years ago to learn what has happened to th island in the 3 years since the 6 have left.

I think Locke is dead but we've seen dead people appear fine on the island before. I think that's why they have to get him back to the island. The only thing I would have liked to have seen just a glimpse of is Christian and Claire.

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Medusa   01-22-2009, 03:18 PM
I loved it! It confused me a lot but I still love it. I can't wait to see how Locke got in the coffin. And Hurley freaked me out. I loved seeing some of the old characters in there. Can't wait until next week.

The Snake Lady from Texas!
Marc   01-22-2009, 03:45 PM
Medusa Wrote:I loved it! It confused me a lot but I still love it. I can't wait to see how Locke got in the coffin. And Hurley freaked me out. I loved seeing some of the old characters in there. Can't wait until next week.

Speaking old characters do you think we'll get to see Boone, Sharon or Charlie again? There are a lot they could reintroduce.
Legion   01-22-2009, 04:04 PM
Marc Wrote:Speaking old characters do you think we'll get to see Boone, Sharon or Charlie again? There are a lot they could reintroduce.

I was surprised to see Anna Lucia since the actress that plays her was written off the show for making an ass out of herself.

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
Brian   01-22-2009, 05:43 PM
Locke is dead in the world here. Once his body is brought back to the island with the others that have escaped, I expect to see the island cycle back to a time when Locke was alive.

Ben is the one that has the set time limit. Get the 6 back to the island in 70 hours. But what will happen if he doesn't? The doomed feeling is there.

Desmond has his part to play as well. Going back to Oxford to find Faraday's mother. I don't think we've met her yet or if we have she was someone we didn't pay any attention to.

One thing that creeped me out, Ben trying to smile at Hurley. It's almost as if Ben doesn't know how to smile. You could see the evil behind his eyes.
This post was last modified: 01-22-2009, 06:02 PM by Brian.

There is no wise man without fault
Jamo   01-22-2009, 06:01 PM
I just finished watching the two episodes. They are as great as the lasdt series have been.

I also think, we haven't payed much attention to Faraday's mother. Perhaps it's the clock woman, but I don't really think so.

Lock seems to be dead in the "real world". But I too think, when he gets back to the island she will manage it ^^

And now that we know it's all about the time, it is possible to see every actor back again... who knows Wink


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