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Medusa   06-02-2009, 09:34 AM
One thing that confused me (only one thing?) was Nadia and Ilana. Are they the same person?

The Snake Lady from Texas!
Atomsk   06-02-2009, 11:32 AM
im currently working on a theory that the MIB from the first scene was actually TRYING to possess people since before BEN was on island, but never could make it work 100%, so instead he created a plan to 'passivly' possess an individual by tricking everyone on the island into thinking he is someone else (rossue knew he could do this, she tells sayid to 'watch everyone closely' / richard is insitant on burying the dead bodies HIMSELF/ the DI is in a hole in the ground, but not buried so horace is able to be used to play part of the main trick on locke)

we see evidence of this when he tries to convince ben he can 'become' and other - richard (dressed like we NEVER see him since) comes out of the jungle, after ben sees a manifestation of his MOTHER (who died OFF island- so obviously SM/MIB had the ability to scan bens mind for images/sounds to use) then richard comes out and tells ben to be patient and he can join them

we also see a scene where ben hears whispers by the fence and TWO voices are clearly heard. if you reverse and slow the audio you hear bens mom telling him to be patient, its ok, shes there for him etc. you also hear a tinny/demonesque voice that tells ben 'YOU ARE MINE NOW'

then, cut to 815 crashing. ben is now leader, after 'tricking' widmore off. the trick being he told widmore to kill the baby alex, knowing (i think) full well that widmore and jacob never spoke. so who did widmore get orders from? SM/MIB of course. this is why widmore was a violent killer in his protection of the island! since 'outsiders' destroy, corrupt, and kill...better to eliminate them before it gets out of hand. hes obviously TIRED OF PLAYING whatever game he and jacob are playing, so this is his 'final move' aside from looking for the loophole

when john lands, he finds it. here is a man who he was able to scan early on, and tried TAKING down the hole in se1, but jack saved him.

sidebar: when jack, kate and charlie are running from SM and the front of the plane section in the jungle, jack is GONE for a few minutes, then magically appears and 'never saw anything' but got away ok. was he protected, or was he killed and replicated??

after that part, i believe SM was able to 'leave a piece of himself' w/ john, just like jacob did when he touched locke on the shoulder after his 20 story fall. this is why shortly after, claire had the dream where locke has ONE DARK and ONE LIGHT eye.
coincidence?: when explaining backgammon to walt, john holds the dark piece up by his left eye, the light one up by his right eye, they appear in claires vision in the same manner, and if you go the season5 finale and check the screencaps below, you will see there is definate juxtaposition of the shadows/lighting to convey the same idea.

so what does this mean? as of this moment in time, i am unsure...however i have just finished rewatching season 1, and i am CONVINCED john locke will be back in season 6 for two reasons

1. jacob's touch is what allowed john to come back to life, and POSSIBLY be healed on the island...however, MIB/SM is the 'island' that is always telling john things in se1. i also believe mib/sm is the 'jacob' widmore and ben THINK they are following. ben has come to the cabin before...but never the stature. its obvious this is a 'long con' but did jacob have HIS OWN CON in place? i think he is 'playing aslan' in the idea that he has a 'deeper magic' that will allow him to come back (perhaps touching the 06 is integral to that plan?)
2. what lies in the shadow of the statue? HE WHO WILL SAVE/PROTECT US ALL
after that was said, who's body is dumped into the sand IN AN AREA THAT WILL BE IN SHADOW COME SUNRISE? ( i say this, b/c tarawet, the statue, was a god associated w/ the north - ekos stick, lift your eyes up to the north! - but she faced AWAY, so the sun would come up on the LEFT side of the statue, causing SHADOW to fall on the RIGHT side, where locke lays) this is also a DIRECT OPPOSITE of how they haave shown left= dark/right=light and the title screen was in OPPOSITE colors as usual.

i know its a lot, and there is more to come. i kinda have been crafting a 'theory of everything' w/ lost lately....
This post was last modified: 06-02-2009, 11:34 AM by Atomsk.
Atomsk   06-02-2009, 11:35 AM
Medusa Wrote:One thing that confused me (only one thing?) was Nadia and Ilana. Are they the same person?

they are not (according to casting, they are also played by different actresses)

there are LOTS of 'dopplegangers' in the show...they have been trying to tell us all along, someone looks like someone, but they are not him


also: the ring of ash, that was keeping MIB/SM in the cabin, i firmly believe he was there, not jacob. now, the question is, who broke the ring? CLAIRE...this is why christian needed her, to get her to free MIB/SM
This post was last modified: 06-02-2009, 12:37 PM by Atomsk.
Brian   06-02-2009, 07:32 PM
You've done some work here Atomsk. Lots to think over, and you make some excellent observations and theories.

And of course, welcome to the board.

There is no wise man without fault
Atomsk   06-02-2009, 07:37 PM
namaste Smile

and yes, i have been...well, obsessed. lol, not gonna lie.

this is why im hoping to catch up on some RPJ this summer. i need to quite the time travel MADNESS lol
Brian   06-02-2009, 07:38 PM
LOL I call it the time travel headache.

There is no wise man without fault
Sigokat   06-03-2009, 02:33 AM
But there is nothing to suggest that the MIB that wanted to kill Jacob is the Smoke Monster.

Remember we first see John Locke (which we now know was the MIB guy) on Hydra Island. When has the Smoke Monster ever been seen on Hydra Island? I'm not saying that MIB guy and the Smoke Monster are not one and the same, but there has been no evidence to support it thus far.

Major K

"He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a Prince." George Graham Vest

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." - Maurice Maeterlinck
Atomsk   06-03-2009, 01:21 PM
well the MIB kinda 'judges' humanity in his initial statement, no?

'they come, they corrupt, they destroy'

sounds like someone who 'knows the hearts' of man and what it is capable, no?

i would agree, there is not enough evidence to say they are the SAME ENTITY, however, my opinion is SM is the 'eyes'/avatar of MIB. the reason i think this is b/c if MIB was in the cabin during locke and ben's visit, there is no way he can BE SM, since that was out terrorizing people. unless the ash circle was broken BEFORE that time in the cabin...then its plausible

honestly, at this stage, plasibility is about all i can come up with ;p
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