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jack2021   10-29-2008, 02:51 PM
I'm not talking about you, me do that never my good sir. Just saying in general it's not pointing at you or any one else. Have a nice day.
Legion   10-29-2008, 03:24 PM
beowulf Wrote:I am quite certain that no one here THINKS you are nuts.

No. I do not think shes nuts. I think shes full of shit.

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
Legion   10-29-2008, 03:48 PM
Aprilis Wrote:If there wasnt conflict on this board none of these threads would be entertaining and there wouldnt be any point to come here.

I agree, but coming onto a forum that's new to you and then trying to spoon feed the regulars some ridiculous story about how your ex-bf is the basis for a fictional character is just stupid.

Seriously, I have seen this crap before. Let me tell you a story.

I went to school from kindergarten through to High School with a bunch of gamers. They played D&D, and that was cool. They found something to enjoy when the outside world was rejecting them. Fine.

Well, I didn't see them for a while after high school. then I stumbled across them and we started hanging out here or there, since we hung out in some of the same places.

Then I started hearing some damned crazy stuff.They belived their house sat on a portal to a hell dimension and stuff like that. I thought it was all part of their games.

Well, I had another friend who was in the middle of a complete breakdown. Dudes life sucked. In his early twenties and never havingeven kissed a girl
( yes alot of the people I hung out with were geeks. I like geeks. Very rarely does a geek stab you in the back. And the goth scene of which I was part is filled with them. )

Well, lil jon ( the 23 year old virgin ) was in bad shape. Contemplating suicide and becoming more and more of a recluse to everybody but myself. One problem... I was shipping out. So I thought and I thought about it, and decided that he needed friends while I was gone, but who? Then I thought of the Gillespies ( the crazy D&D folks).

I introduced them and they hit it off. Started hanging out, even without me. I shipped out. Time passes and when I get back I look them all up.

Lil Jon is the first of that group I talk to. He mentions a girl. I am naturally ecstatic for him. We meet in our usual meeting spot, the local cemetary ( I was goth, what do you want of me? )

We meet up and he says "Steve, this is my girlfriend, Xantha."

There's nobody there. I think hes joking, so I shake hands with the empty air to his right.

"No Steve, shes over here," he says frustratedly gesturing another empty bit of air.

I freeze, realizing he isn't kidding. Lil jon sees this and says " I forgot. Jon and Nicole ( the Gillespies) said you might not have the sight."

He procedes to tell me how Jon and Nicole got him into "Spell-casting" and how during one session Nicole felt the presence of a four-armed indian spirit named Xantha. Turns out she had taken a liking to Lil Jon. Next thing you know the boy is walking around holding hands with and kissing the air where he sees a four armed indian girl.

I tried talking sense into Lil Jon, but got nowhere.

I went off on the Gillespies and haven't talked to any of them since. LastI heard Nicole performed a marriage ceremony. So now my one time depressed friend is completely nuts and is now married to an imaginary friend.

So you see, I have no patience for pretend bullshit. When you're kids, that is fine. But for an adult to try to sell that crap to a bunch of adults? No way.

And if you do believe it then I pity you and give my regards to your four armed indian spirit girlfriend, because you're just as nuts as Lil Jon.

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
bones weep tedium   10-29-2008, 04:02 PM
aprilis Wrote:if there wasnt conflict on this board none of these threads would be entertaining and there wouldnt be any point to come here.

[size="6"]Yes there would![/size] :mad:


I accidentally dropped a load of worthless change in the street. I was going to just leave it there but a burly policeman lumbered towards me and said, "You'd better pick that up, son."

I hate coppers.

Alvin Fox   10-29-2008, 04:24 PM
I was gonna talk about how I used to be part of a message board for another author back in 2000 or so and many of the members started role playing characters from the novels. They were vampire books, what did you expect? But the whole situation got out of hand, the entire board was closed. It eventually opened again but you had to pay (only about $5 a year) to use it.

But I like Steve's story better.
Aprilis   10-29-2008, 09:40 PM
Legion Wrote:No. I do not think shes nuts. I think shes full of shit.
If she is really a she

bones weep tedium Wrote:[size="6"]Yes there would![/size] :mad:
You know what I mean ... of course we would still come. But the crazies make it entertaining

The world is full of idiots ... It's up to you to not be one of them.
beowulf   10-30-2008, 12:37 AM
Wow! Legion...I played D&D for many years, but never had anything like that go down. Damn!

"Fate has me highly skilled and loaded with talent."
bones weep tedium   10-30-2008, 03:11 PM
Aprilis Wrote:..... But the crazies make it entertaining


[SIZE="1"](I'm providing you with conflict, trying to make sure you enjoy your experience Wink)[/SIZE]

I accidentally dropped a load of worthless change in the street. I was going to just leave it there but a burly policeman lumbered towards me and said, "You'd better pick that up, son."

I hate coppers.

Legion   10-30-2008, 05:02 PM
beowulf Wrote:Wow! Legion...I played D&D for many years, but never had anything like that go down. Damn!

Yeah... Jersey isn't exactly filled with sane people. Hey, isn't Paul from Jersey? Hmmm...Big Grin

But yeah in all seriousness, these folks were Nuckin Futs. They tried convincing me that I am a Psychic Vampire and my buddy Tony ( who had the misfortune to be roomin with them) that he was a Psychic Werewolf. I asked them if thats why when I got touched by psychic sunlight I caught on psychic fire. They didn't get the humour and tried going along with it.
This post was last modified: 10-30-2008, 05:09 PM by Legion.

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
Aprilis   10-30-2008, 11:03 PM
bones weep tedium Wrote:[SIZE="6"]NO THEY DON'T!! [/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"](I'm providing you with conflict, trying to make sure you enjoy your experience Wink)[/SIZE]

Be careful or you will be classified as crazy Smile

The world is full of idiots ... It's up to you to not be one of them.
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