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The Karl   07-24-2008, 02:23 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:Julio can only be Luis Guzman.


Guzman would make a wonderful Julio... Even though whenever I think of him, I remember a little scene he did for one of those VH1 "I Love The ..." shows, of him reading from "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret". Big Grin
Wapitikev   07-24-2008, 03:32 AM
persephoneslove Wrote:Jack : Jeffrey Donovan [watch him in some dark moments of "Touching Evil" and oooo, shivers] and yeah he's a bit thinner, but a lil bit of working out and he can snap right into Jack. Besides he does have those cracklin oDNA eyes.
Gia: bleh, still undecided [idk Rachel Weiz?]
Vicky: Raquel Castro [Jersey Girl]
Abe: Eddie Jones [have to think of him with the accent though of course]
Julio: Jacob Vargas or Francis Capra

I'm only listing the most reoccuring characters though cause otherwise I'd ebd up going through all the books, so I'll not be casting Kassar and such.

Raquel Castro was great in Jersey Girl, but she's 14 this year...too old for Viks in the first movie.

Both your choices for Julio look good, but I always pictured him older than mid-30s.

Rachel Weis...blonde...Italian? I'd have difficulty suspending disbelief...besides, she's not doing action horror anymore (Evelyn is being played by Maria Bello in the new Mummy movie).

Eddie Jones was surprising...I'd never thought of him for a second. Could work though.

Lastly, I do like Jeffrey Donovan as Jack...a lot...maybe better even than Reynolds, yet Reynolds has already been cast and is 4 years younger than Donovan...and at the rate Beacon is going, he better be younger now in order to not look too old when filming eventually starts.


Axioms Jack seems to live by (inadvertantly or not):

Why he does what he does: "I chose this life. I know what I'm doing. And on any given day, I could stop doing it. Today, however, isn't that day. And tomorrow won't be either." Bruce Wayne, Identity Crisis

On Rasalom: "Water's wet, the sky is blue...and good old Satan Claus, Jimmy...he's out there...and he's just gettin' stronger." Joe Hallenbeck, The Last Boyscout
persephoneslove   07-25-2008, 05:12 PM
As I have been rereading the first book [yet again] I have come to revise some of my earlier opinions. I decided to picture Reynolds and Donovan both in my head while reading through and while I still believe my choice may be a better, I have come to the conclusion that Reynolds may be able to pull it off, but it'll a tightrope to watch. I know even Jack has his goofy moments but if I see an inkling of Berg coming through it will be ruined for me. He'll have to dig deep and play it with ahard edge to keep us believing in the darkness that resides inside.

Also I have no idea what came over me when I said Rachel Weiz, I mean wtf was I thinking? I had completely forgotten Gia's description which proves that I did in fact need to go over it all again. I am sorry for my poor judgement. But I think an A-lister would be the wrong way to go for her. And yeah Raquel is a bit old but someone very like her would be a good idea. Also Guzman is too much of a funny man to me, and I don't picture Julio with a lisp. I stick by my recommends ont hat and the same with Eddie Jones.

And also I confused some characters. Kassar is from a Kenyon novel, the villain in this one is Kusum.

Please excuse errors and blunders
Kenji   07-25-2008, 06:18 PM
Jack:Cole Hauser.

[Image: 200623_166877_2_024.jpg]

Gia:Emily Procter

[Image: GW360H450]
Legion   07-25-2008, 09:26 PM
Kenji Wrote:Jack:Cole Hauser.

[Image: 200623_166877_2_024.jpg]

Gia:Emily Procter

[Image: GW360H450]

Not bad... Actually he is darned near perfect.

But I am a fan of burn notice and I gotta say I think Jeffrey Donovan could do it pretty well. He has that average guy thing down pretty well, but is convincing with a gun in his hand.

[Image: 5237761.jpg]

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
phoenix rising   07-25-2008, 09:28 PM
It helps that he is super incredibly hot in an average guy way. (does that make sense to anyone besides me?)
Legion   07-26-2008, 12:09 AM
phoenix rising Wrote:It helps that he is super incredibly hot in an average guy way. (does that make sense to anyone besides me?)

You know the girlie just said that earlier! What is is about that guy that women like? I don't get it.

And as my ultimate pic for Jack ( but he's too old now Sad )

[Image: BruceCampbell.jpg]

[Image: hope.jpg]

Guns Don't Kill People, ATF Agents Do!
Wapitikev   07-26-2008, 08:10 AM
persephoneslove Wrote:I know even Jack has his goofy moments but if I see an inkling of Berg coming through it will be ruined for me. He'll have to dig deep and play it with a hard edge to keep us believing in the darkness that resides inside.

Yah, I keep thinking how terrible it would be if Jack was played like Van Wilder with a gun.

[full-body shiver]

He'd have to play the role totally straight when he's not around Gia and Vicky or I'd hate it.

persephoneslove Wrote:Also I have no idea what came over me when I said Rachel Weiz, I mean wtf was I thinking? I had completely forgotten Gia's description which proves that I did in fact need to go over it all again. I am sorry for my poor judgement. But I think an A-lister would be the wrong way to go for her.

What do you think of Mad4's suggestion: Mena Suvari. The more I think about it the more convinced I am that she would do well (married to Westphalen really young, has Vicky at about 22, Vicky's 8 in Tomb if memory serves which would make Gia 30, which is Mena's actual age).

persephoneslove Wrote:Also Guzman is too much of a funny man to me, and I don't picture Julio with a lisp. I stick by my recommends ont hat and the same with Eddie Jones.

I agree, Guzman is NOT Julio for me. While Guzman's surprised me, in some of his roles, with how good he can be, Tony Montana is stuck in my head whenever I picture Julio.

persephoneslove Wrote:And also I confused some characters. Kassar is from a Kenyon novel, the villain in this one is Kusum.

Please excuse errors and blunders

Don't sweat the small stuff, 'Seph. Ain't none of us here perfect, regardless of how we may come across, on occasion.

Another reason I like J-Don as much as Reynolds for Jack is, to people like me who don't watch TV, he's a relative unknown. In other words, he has no baggage for me to get over when I'm watching him.

My only sticking points are his age (he could be 45 by the time they start shooting) and the fact that (to me) he looks distinctly Italian, yet Jack is not supposed to look distinct in any way...he's vanilla.

Those minor misgivings aside though, he is one of the best casting choices for Jack that has been suggested in hundreds of posts on the subject over the years...and there have been lots of names thrown out.

He's so good, in fact, maybe he should play Sal Roma (apologies to Bluesman Mike and Biggles but you're not my top two choices).

Props to you, Persephoneslove. Great thread.

This post was last modified: 07-26-2008, 08:20 AM by Wapitikev.

Axioms Jack seems to live by (inadvertantly or not):

Why he does what he does: "I chose this life. I know what I'm doing. And on any given day, I could stop doing it. Today, however, isn't that day. And tomorrow won't be either." Bruce Wayne, Identity Crisis

On Rasalom: "Water's wet, the sky is blue...and good old Satan Claus, Jimmy...he's out there...and he's just gettin' stronger." Joe Hallenbeck, The Last Boyscout
mad4tunes   07-26-2008, 12:05 PM
I've got a suggestion for Sal Roma (or Rasalom) about Aharon Ipale, who played the Pharoah Seti in the "Mummy" movies?

I keep on picturing (God help me) Danny DeVito as Abe. Except for those times when I picture Robbie Coltrane.

And, while I think Mena Suvari is the best choice for Gia, I could definitely live with Emily Procter.

"You have the right to remain silent. If you choose to waive this right, I may have to kill you in self-defense because you're boring me to death."
persephoneslove   07-26-2008, 05:09 PM
Yeah Donovans got that kind of Italian thing going on, but hey let's not forget Jack is from Jersey, land of the Italian inplants. An dI know he's bit older, but he does not look 45, the man is hot. He's got that don't-meet-me-in-a-dark-alley-but-let-me-in-your-bed look to him that all the ladies can appreciate, unless you're like dead or something

Gotta say I can't get behind Mena Suvari for the simple reson that I see her "Loser". And I know almost nothing of Procter so I can't comment on that. I've been running Gia through my head a lot lately and I still can't seem to place her. All the girls that come to mind seem too skinny, too short, too british, or too young. It's a toughie.

As for casting Rasalom, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, the first movie isn't even out yet. But I do love whoever threw in Bruce campbell for Jack, cause let's face it, if her were 20 years younger, Bruce coulda been King Jack, but then we might not have all the lovely cheese he's done.

And I know mistakes are common but I've got my head positively buried in books and movies, so I pride myself on knowing, who, what, and where.
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