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jacobm   02-15-2008, 02:25 PM

Maybe it's because I'm heavily drugged (post surgery on my knee) but I thought last night's episode was so sad. I was so upset to see that Sayid and Ben are in cahoots and that Sayid seems to have become a post-Island assassin. Man, that's just depressing.

Also, maybe it's the drugs, but I am getting pissed by the writers constantly raising more questions and taking turns that we could never, ever think of. There's just no way anyone can get to the bottom of this show before the show ends. Generally I enjoy that, but this episode pissed me off.

Let's blame in on the pain killers.

But let's look at what we did learn.
1. Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6
2. Ben also leaves the island (which a lot or people didn't think he would do) and is directing Sayid
3. There is some connection between Naomi and the rescuers and the woman that Sayid killed (based upon the bracelet)
4. There is some kind of time distortion on the island.

Granted, there are lots of questions based on these revelations, but I think that's the fun of this show. Let's face it, if we figure it out nobody will bother watching anymore.
Scott Hajek   02-15-2008, 03:12 PM
Maggers Wrote:Also, maybe it's the drugs, but I am getting pissed by the writers constantly raising more questions and taking turns that we could never, ever think of. There's just no way anyone can get to the bottom of this show before the show ends. Generally I enjoy that, but this episode pissed me off.

Let's blame in on the pain killers.

The writers for this show were given great latitude when it was announced that there would be an end to the series, there is a finite number of episodes remaining and there would be a satisfactory resolution to the whole story. That basically gave them freedom to f**k with our minds for the next few years.

I love it.

(So, is watching LOST on pain killers like watching "The Wall" while stoned?)

Scott Hajek

[i]"A beer right now would sound good, but I'd rather drink one than listen to it."[/i]
Maggers   02-15-2008, 04:14 PM
Scott Hajek Wrote:The writers for this show were given great latitude when it was announced that there would be an end to the series, there is a finite number of episodes remaining and there would be a satisfactory resolution to the whole story. That basically gave them freedom to f**k with our minds for the next few years.

I love it.

(So, is watching LOST on pain killers like watching "The Wall" while stoned?)

I love LOST, too, Scott. I'm a huge fan. I wouldn't have LOST be any other way. But last night was bizarre for me. I recorded it because I was out of it completely when the show aired (shortly after I got home from the hospital). I woke up in the middle of the night and began to watch it then. I kept having to replay scenes and put on the subtitles because my brain was fried and I wasn't understanding anything. I was truly lost and very emotional.

I hate those kind of pain killers that just make you stupid, give you a headache and leave you nauseous. I've already stopped taking them. I don't know how people can become addicted. I miss the days of Quaaludes. Ahh...those were painkillers to love. Big Grin
This post was last modified: 02-15-2008, 07:03 PM by Maggers.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

cobalt   02-15-2008, 06:22 PM
I'm glad you're on the mend Maggers. Smile
Now onto my observations.
Naomi had one of the bracelets that Sayed was playing with in post island times. In fact I think Sayed took Naomi's bracelet.
Ben has this hidden wardrobe and a bunch of passports.....Ben is an assassin.
Time is off on the island by minutes to hours.
There is a block for flights over, near the island and there must be a narrow corridor onto the island for drops and the copter that landed recently. Remember the warning given to the pilot...stick to the beacon heading that we came in on.
Sayed becomes an assassin for Ben, he kills his girlfriend, but she must be an assassin as well....I just love these twists and turns. Just when you think you have it figured out.....surprise! More questions.

Daveracher   02-16-2008, 04:48 AM
Spoilers follow:

From what I have read Michael (Harold Perrineau) shows up around episode 8. Which also appears to be named "Meet Kevin Johnson"... this would seem to confirm that Mike is the man on the boat.

Losts casting directors deserve big kudos for all the new characters this year. Can't say as I dislike any of the actors portraying the new chars. Ken Leung rocked as Uncle Juniors psyche ward pal in the Sopranos.
Maggers   02-16-2008, 04:37 PM
I watched the last LOST episode again, this time not under the influence of awful painkillers.


So, I found it very sad. Sad to see our beloved survivor group split. Sad to see Hurley fooling Sayid and Kate. Sad to see Sayid in what looks to be an assassin role in the future. Sad to see that Sayid looks so sad at being forced to be an enforcer, or so it seems. Sad to see that damn Ben still in a position of power over our beloved survivors, or at least one of them.

Sayid seemed to be much more affected by Naomi's death in this episode than he did previously, perhaps because he saw her body for the first time. But he seemed REALLY moved. The bracelets seem to link both Naomi and Elsa, the German woman whom he killed. The overwhelming feeling I had watching Sayid was sadness. He seemed so damned sad.

We got to see a lot of Ben's house. There is a very obvious decorating effect that hit me again last night, as it did when I first saw Ben's bedroom after his surgery, when Locke came to see him while Ben was still abed. The main decorating effect in Ben's office, his bedroom, his entire space is masks. African masks, Polynesian masks, all sorts of decorative, tribal looking masks. Masks are everywhere. How Ben is that? He hides behind mask after mask after mask. One mask is uncovered only to find another. He lives behind at least 13 different masks simultaneously. How utterly appropriate and telling that he should decorate with masks.

Here are some random thoughts on the last episode:

1. As Cobalt said, there seems to be a specific track that if followed by air will allow flights to find the Island.

2. As I've said many times, I think Penny's father is behind Dharma.

3. I think Ben is out to bring Dharma down.

4. Ben has said many times that to fell an enemy, he finds out what they cherish and manipulates them through that.

5. Penny's father cherishes Penny.

6. Penny cherishes Desmond.

7. I suspect Ben is related in some way to Mr. Armageddon, as I call him, the black guy who hired Naomi and who visited Hurley in the psych hospital.

8. Mr. Armageddon (possibly) gave Naomi a picture of Penny and Desmond and sent her to the Island to find Desmond, perhaps so he could capture Desmond for Ben so that Ben has leverage against Penny and thus, against Penny's father.

But who the hell knows.

I think we will see more Ben flashbacks. I would not be surprised if these Ben flashbacks occur both on and off the Island, because we now know that Ben left the Island at some point. I wonder if perhaps he fathered a child off the Island (because it can't be done on the Island), and perhaps that child is one of our beloved survivors. How twisted would that be?
This post was last modified: 02-16-2008, 04:41 PM by Maggers.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Aprilis   02-17-2008, 08:46 PM
Maggers Wrote:Yes, that's been discussed here. Go back to post #69 or thereabouts.

I must have missed some posts. I had the flu a couple of weeks ago. I thought I had read them all but I probably just dont remember a few days there.
bones weep tedium   02-17-2008, 09:41 PM
Do you reckon Ben might be an Oceanic 6 as well - perhaps posing as an expired passenger from the manifest?

Coz that would make:


as the whole Oceanic 6. :eek:

I accidentally dropped a load of worthless change in the street. I was going to just leave it there but a burly policeman lumbered towards me and said, "You'd better pick that up, son."

I hate coppers.

DaveStrorm   02-17-2008, 09:49 PM
Maggers Wrote:7. I suspect Ben is related in some way to Mr. Armageddon, as I call him, the black guy who hired Naomi and who visited Hurley in the psych hospital.

8. Mr. Armageddon (possibly) gave Naomi a picture of Penny and Desmond and sent her to the Island to find Desmond, perhaps so he could capture Desmond for Ben so that Ben has leverage against Penny and thus, against Penny's father.

I agree with most of your points but I am not sure about 7 & 8. I'm not sure why Ben would need these people to capture Desmond. If he knew Desmond was on the island, he could have sent his whole gang to capture him. After all, he captured Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Michael and Walt at various times without any "outside" help. Unless you are suggesting he wanted to capture Desmond without the rest of "the Others" knowing about it. If so, then I can see it. At the point we're at now it would be harder since a lot of his gang has bought the farm recently. But not in the recent past. Unless I'm not considering something . . . or a million somethings. Big Grin

But then again how exactly did Naomi find the island? The rest of the freighter people were depending on her signal to get there and without Charlie and Desmond disabling that signal jammer, I don't think the rest of the freighter folk would have found it. ARG . . . too many unknowns!
Maggers   02-17-2008, 10:20 PM
Quote:But then again how exactly did Naomi find the island?
I thought she and her team were directed there by the signal the guys in the arctic or antarctic heard and called Penny about. But that may be what we were lead to believe. If Penny's people found that signal, so could others, and perhaps those others are on the freighter.

Watching the episode again, I was struck by Sayid's extreme tenderness towards Naomi's body. Could he possibly have known Naomi somehow, somewhere? Could he have been in cahoots with her? If yes, when and where and how did that come about?

You're right, so many questions, so many possibilities. And so many curve balls thrown time and time again. Smile

Here's a weird possibility. We've never seen what happens to a dead body that is removed from the Island. Naomi will be the first. They spent a good bit of time on Naomi's body. Somehow, I think that's significant. Think she could be revived off the Island?
This post was last modified: 02-17-2008, 10:27 PM by Maggers.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

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