ccosborne3 Wrote:Poppycock? Maybe. Still fun though.
I think we get bogged down trying to figure out the little mysteries and lose track of the big mystery, namely, what the hell is going on on that island?
Aah feh, you're right. It is fun and I can't stop, poppycock or not.
I think that we will see a Desmond flashback before long, maybe involving his time in military prison. I think he'll make it to a boat, maybe Naomi's freighter, maybe not. Maybe on that "rescue" ship Desmond will run into someone he knew from his time in military prison in Scotland, someone we'll have seen in the flashback.
I have not read about this anywhere else. This is just a guess on my part, and we know how well guesses go on this show.
Here's another thought. Kate's agreement with the DA included her staying put within the state of California. If she should try to get back to the Island, which she is dead set against at this point because of Aaron, she could be thrown back in the clink. It would take an awful lot, I think, to cause Kate to change her mind.