phoenix rising Wrote:And low and behold she bypassed the thin mints and was drawn into a world like none she'd ever imagined......
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Haw! Atsa nice, phoenix!
phoenix rising Wrote:Once in a blue moon I get a good line.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Not at all! Don't be shy! You got the encapsulated fun!
phoenix rising Wrote:Just so I can give you something to work into your act? J/K
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:And now...ladies and gentlebeings...the wonderful and incredible PHOENIX! Well, actually, she ain't here, folks...she's out there...fighting Global Warming! Speaking of to entertain you...AL GORE!
Hey! I was kidding! That was a joke! Please put the guns away! Grandma back there! Ain't nobody impressed with that derringer! C'mon! Please!
phoenix rising Wrote:Ah please folks, he really was kiddin' I promise. now for a little slight o' hand, I'll make him disappear!
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Aw, that's just all in good fun, folks! She's just ki
phoenix rising Wrote:And for my next trick I'll ring hm back, only smarterhere he is folks! *with a wave of her hand and a puff of blue smoke the Bluesman stands before the audience with a somber yet annoyed look on his face*
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Smarter, yes. Annoyed, certainly. Where's my cut? AND DON'T GIVE THAT "WE'RE INVESTING IT FOR YOU...":mad: