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SteveBlack   07-09-2004, 08:28 PM
It seems that Reprisal is a much loved book. I'm sure there's been a poll of favourite FPW book(s) at one time on the NG. How did Reprisal fare?
This post was last modified: 07-09-2004, 08:32 PM by SteveBlack.
nonsun blob a   07-11-2004, 02:01 AM
my list is excluding all the scary scenes from the keep, because i don't think any book of any time could ever scare me as much as that one did, so it kind of blows the others out of the water. anyway, here goes..
(in no particular order)
1)when alan dies in nightworld
it didn't frighten me so much as make me fear the sadness that would follow him dieing
2)when the mother rakosh goes to jack's apartment in, obviously, the tomb
3)the tara portman bathroom experience in the haunted air
4)the church scene in reborn
KRW   07-20-2004, 05:52 PM
Barry Lee Dejasu Wrote:What were some of the best scary scenes in FPW's fiction?

When Jack kills Kusum and the Rakoshi turn upon themselves in a fit of rage.
It wasn't the scariest scene I've read by F. Paul, but it had to be like stepping into the inner circle of Hell!

webby   06-12-2006, 03:17 PM
Resurrecting this old thread to give some of us newer folks a chance to chime in. Please tell what book you might be spoiling up in the "title" field. Smile

My absolute, no doubt about it, scariest scene in any book, ever was in Reprisal when Father Bill digs up Danny's grave. Five years later and Danny is still in torment somewhere between life and death! OMG! [SIZE="2"]OMG![/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]OMG![/SIZE]

I think I have a touch of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from that.

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

jimbow8   06-12-2006, 03:30 PM
webby Wrote:Resurrecting this old thread to give some of us newer folks a chance to chime in. Please tell what book you might be spoiling up in the "title" field. Smile
I think that was a general warning that there will prob be some spoilers throughout the thread .... by the nature of the topic.

Quote:My absolute, no doubt about it, scariest scene in any book, ever was in Reprisal when Father Bill digs up Danny's grave. Five years later and Danny is still in torment somewhere between life and death! OMG! [SIZE="2"]OMG![/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]OMG![/SIZE]

I think I have a touch of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from that.
Mine is probably the trapped/lack of control of one's own body found in both SIBS and The Select.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Vargas   06-12-2006, 03:49 PM
I thought some of the Midnight Mass stuff was really scary. The baby killing was pretty brutal as was the description of the President on TV licking a bleeding intern.

Midnight Mass was such a great vampire book.

The entire book of Nightworld was pretty frightening too.
KRW   06-12-2006, 07:10 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Mine is probably the trapped/lack of control of one's own body found in both SIBS and The Select.

The scene in "Nightworld", with Hank in the sewer fits the bill!

webby   06-12-2006, 07:20 PM
Spookiness. I'm sensing a common theme here.... you could say all of our posts in this thread today are about loss of control or helplessness.

What does RJ hate most? Situations he can't control - when he has to improvise.

I've been wondering what so many different kinds of people (the members of this forum) would have in common that makes us all such huge fans of RJ and FPW. I wonder if it is something to do with this "lack of control is scarey" thing? The worst feeling in the world to me is helplessness. I wonder how many others on this board would say the same...

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

Blake   06-12-2006, 08:45 PM
webby Wrote:Spookiness. I'm sensing a common theme here.... you could say all of our posts in this thread today are about loss of control or helplessness.

What does RJ hate most? Situations he can't control - when he has to improvise.

And Jack is very much about restoring a degree control to those who hire him.


Please support Friends of Washoe.
cobalt   06-12-2006, 09:30 PM
That is the ONE thing that truely bothers me.............I gotta be in control. When things are not in my control, I feel useless and just want to "fix-it" Strange huh? My pick for the scarriest scene, Hank in the sewer, bug food...EEWWW!

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