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tehuti   10-27-2006, 03:56 AM
Repairman Jack Novels:
1. The Tomb
2. Legacies
3. Conspiracies
4. All the Rage
5. Hosts
6. The Haunted Air
7. Gateways ~ reading it now
8. Crisscross ~ not read yet

The Adversary Cycle:
9. The Keep
*. The Tomb

Other Novels:
10. Sims
11. Midnight Mass ~ not read yet

Does anyone know when/if the Adversary cycle titles will be re-released in paperback? I was dismayed to discover that The Touch was out of print.

Dave F   11-04-2006, 09:52 AM
Just added the "Retro Pulp Tales" anthology

Also ordered signed Christmas Thingy

The artist formally known as Britfan
Dave F   11-04-2006, 09:52 AM
tehuti Wrote:Does anyone know when/if the Adversary cycle titles will be re-released in paperback? I was dismayed to discover that The Touch was out of print.


Your best bet is e-bay - regularly for sale on there

The artist formally known as Britfan
XamberB   11-04-2006, 10:41 AM
The majority of my books are packed up in the basement of the company where I work. Here's what I have in my studio..


1. The Christmas Thingy
2. Gateways
3. Harbingers (Signed)
4. Infernal
5. Conspiracies
6. Crisscross
7. The Fifth Harmonic
8. The Last Rakosh
9. Midnight Mass


10. The Tery
11. Implant
12. Hosts
13. The Tomb
14. Healer
15. The Keep
16. Deep as the Marrow
17. Black Wind (2 copies)
18. Masque
19. Dydeetown

Packed (the ones I remember)

20. The Haunted Air (Hardback)
21. Sims (Hardback)
22. All the Rage
23. Reborn
24. Reprisal
25. Legacies
26. Nightworld (old edition)
27. Reprisal
28. The Touch
29. The Barrens

My favorite is still The Christmas Thingy.

Hazel Stone
(A true, blue Fan)

Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. RAH
Mick C.   11-04-2006, 12:04 PM
I have all the Repairman Jack and Adversary Cycle books to date, I think, as well as his short story collections and medical thrillers.

Major score yesterday - I had an hour to kill while waiting to meet someone, so I stopped in a small used bookstore I hadn't seen before - and found fpw's "The LaNague Chronicles" and "The Tery" - sweet!

"Flow with the Go."

- Rickson Gracie
Lisa   11-04-2006, 01:11 PM
Where are Aphew and Biggles? Their collections would put all of ours to shame, I'm sure.

Anyway, I'm not going to list every edition and title. I'm too lazy. But here's what I've got:

The AC (Borderlands)
All the RJ books except for CONSPIRACIES
All the LaNague Books Smile
The medical thrillers
The collaborations with Spruill and Costello
Dydeetown World and The Tery
Black Wind
The Fifth Harmonic
Midnight Mass
Diagnosis Terminal
The Barrens and Others
That Terrible Freedom chapbook
Stalkers and A Taste For Blood (these have FPW short stories in them)
Fahrenfort and The Nightworld Chronicles Wink
Marc   11-04-2006, 01:51 PM
Lisa Wrote:Fahrenfort and The Nightworld Chronicles Wink

By far the best of your collection. Big Grin
SteveBlack   11-04-2006, 10:39 PM
Click the links below

I have over 130 individual items. Not in the pics is the last 3 AC Borderlands books. My rarest is the one-off digital printer's proofs of The Last Rakosh which includes the jacket proof. I got them direct from Overlook Connection.

PS Sorry about the photo quality but I can only upload 19k!! Any way we can upload more?
This post was last modified: 11-04-2006, 10:43 PM by SteveBlack.
Biggles   11-05-2006, 03:57 AM
Lisa Wrote:Where are Aphew and Biggles? Their collections would put all of ours to shame, I'm sure.

I have made a point of collecting some of the rarer books, and many of the original sci-fi stories in Analog, etc., but in order to list my collection I would have to catalog them first! I can't seem to find the time to organize my collection.

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
Anders Monsen   11-07-2006, 01:44 AM
I won't post a list of my books as my FPW library tends to fall somewhere in the middle of the pack. I don't have them all, though there's a fair number of books to list, including a couple of rare ones. But my small contribution to this conversation is that FPW graciously signed all my hardbacks at World Fantasy Con this past weekend. Schlepping around a bag of 20+ hardbacks ended up being quite worth the effort. This doesn't include any anthologies, and none of my paperbacks, so I'll have to remember those next time.

I also discovered that my Whispers Press edition of The Tomb is sort of a mixed state. FPW mentioned this, and suggested I speak with Stuart Schiff, who manned a table in the dealers room. It turns out that I have the original World Fantasy Con edition dust jacket, but the book itself is of a later vintage, after a correction had been made to include the Whispers Press logo on the spine. There were a handful of FPW books in the dealer's room, including a limited of the aforementioned Whispers Press book, the six volume AC set from Borderlands, Nightworld (US and British editions - the former jacked up to $95 after a signature at the con, I think), and three or four others. No Gauntlet Press editions. No CD editions. No Overlook editions. Most dealers either focused on brand new stuff, or older stuff like Arkham, Grant, Gregg, etc.
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