cobalt79 Wrote:I have the opportunity to purchase a copy of Freakshow. Forgive my naivete' but, is there a FPW story in the book? I see it on the cross reference, but where does it fit into things?
cobalt79 Wrote:Thanks!Another jewel in the collection to be added!
cobalt79 Wrote:I have the opportunity to purchase a copy of Freakshow. Forgive my naivete' but, is there a FPW story in the book? I see it on the cross reference, but where does it fit into things?
fpw Wrote:I have rewritten my parts of the anthology, added new characters and subplots, and gathered it all together as =The Peabody-Prather Traveling Circus & Oddity Emporium=. It will be published in the near future by a small press. You'll hear about it soon. Ozymandias Prather appears in =All the Rage=, but these events occur in the spring-summer following =Harbingers=.
fpw Wrote:I have rewritten my parts of the anthology, added new characters and subplots, and gathered it all together as =The Peabody-Prather Traveling Circus & Oddity Emporium=. It will be published in the near future by a small press. You'll hear about it soon. Ozymandias Prather appears in =All the Rage=, but these events occur in the spring-summer following =Harbingers=.Sweet!
Scott Miller Wrote:Buy it; there is a FPW interspersed throughout the entire book that probably runs about30-40 pages that is very good and it definitely has a place in the RJ universe. The rest of the anthology, like most anthologies, is a bit uneven. There are several good stories, a few average ones and a couple of clunkers.