Marc B. Wrote:I'll let Aphew handle this one.
neotank Wrote:I really liked the second episode. the scene with the cop was really cool.I actually liked that. The drive was found in the lizard tank, which leads to the idea that the old guy planted it there and let the lizard out so that they would eventually find it.
The only thing that seemd a little cheeseball was
When the Arab guy (Sorry bad with names) listened to the answering machine and then found that little hard drive. Seemed fake.
But decides that It's probrably my favorite show at the moment.
Marc B. Wrote:Anyhow, it has me interested enough to watch tonights episode. New shows I watched but will no longer be tuning into: Jericho, 6-Degrees and Brothers & Sisters.
jacobm Wrote:This was a vast improvement over last weeks episode. Much darker and much more entertaining. I like where the story is going, but don't see how they can make it last much more than one or two seasons. I particularly like Hiro and his friend, but I can't stand the woman that Mohinder is running around with. Bad actress, useless role, etc.