I finally saw it yesterday morning. I loved it. Loved, loved, loved it. Kong himself was astonishing. I really don't get the people who complain about the effects. There's a moment in which Kong is eating, and the movements of his lips look astonishingly realistic. That scene really grabbed me. Having worked with real apes (albeit not gorillas), I was stunned at how much the effect sold me. The only moment in the whole movie that looked CG to me was the bit with the natives rock-hopping to the Venture. I bought the rest.
Complaints: few and minor. My biggest would be the sauropod dogpile, which really went on for a long time. I think it may have been played for laughs, but that would've worked better if there had been more people in the theater to get that vibe going. (That's not a comment on box office sales; I was at the least busy theater in town on a weekday morning.) I agree that the parts before the island could probably have been trimmed a bit, but there was nothing particulary detrimental to the movie for me, so I'd be hesitant to pick any particular thing that I thought just
had to be cut. I'm happy enough with it as it is.
Raves: I have to disagree with some of the comments above about the dinosaur fight. It's long, yes, but it was freakin'
There was one suspenseful moment after another, and it really thrilled me. In fact, this movie delivered more suspense for me than any movie I can think of in recent memory. Great fun. I'd like to go back.
I was skeptical when Jackson said he wanted to make this movie, but he sold me. Now if he'll just do
The Hobbit.