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Tony H   12-20-2005, 06:27 PM
saynomore Wrote:The movie didn't hold up as well on second viewing. I wished I had a fast forward button just to get to the monsters. I would still buy the extended version director's cut dvd, but only if the missing gollum attacking the spiders scene is found.

Also, I watched DEAD ALIVE last night (early Peter Jackson) and guess what. The movie begins on SKULL ISLAND and a monkey is taken from the island! Guess Kong was on his mind way back when.


Dead Alive is one of my favorites of all time. The Sumratan Rat Monkey is a movie monster at his claymation finest. I totally didn't know the skull island connection as it has been a few years since I visited that flick. Wish I didn't watch Meet The Feebles this past weekend, that movie lingers in the brain for quite a while.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
APhew   12-20-2005, 07:14 PM
AsMoral Wrote:Dead Alive is one of my favorites of all time. The Sumratan Rat Monkey is a movie monster at his claymation finest. I totally didn't know the skull island connection as it has been a few years since I visited that flick. Wish I didn't watch Meet The Feebles this past weekend, that movie lingers in the brain for quite a while.

Actually, in the new King Kong, the crate with the Sumatran Rat Monkey is on the ship before they leave port. Look carefully when they first go down into the hold in the background.

I saw "Meet the Feebles" once, and that's good enough for me.

With "Frighteners" finally getting it's due on DVD with the new Directors Cut, let's hope they do the same with "Dead Alive".
t4terrific   12-20-2005, 09:28 PM
APhew Wrote:Actually, in the new King Kong, the crate with the Sumatran Rat Monkey is on the ship before they leave port. Look carefully when they first go down into the hold in the background.

I saw "Meet the Feebles" once, and that's good enough for me.

With "Frighteners" finally getting it's due on DVD with the new Directors Cut, let's hope they do the same with "Dead Alive".

I think I've watched Frighteners 20 times since it was released. It is such an easy film to watch over and over and enjoy.
Kenji   12-21-2005, 10:24 AM
saynomore Wrote:Also, I watched DEAD ALIVE last night (early Peter Jackson) and guess what. The movie begins on SKULL ISLAND and a monkey is taken from the island! Guess Kong was on his mind way back when.


Good point! I didn't notice that till you mention it in here.

Btw, Dead Alive's Japanese title was "Brain Dead". Big Grin
Marc   12-26-2005, 07:21 PM
Just got back from it. Overall I really liked it. Towards the end I did think it started to drag a bit but the first two hours (until they leave the island) is absolutely mind blowing. I was really curious how the chemistry was going to work between Naomi Watts and Kong and surprisingly I bought every minute of it. Definitely worth the admission price.
Terry Willacker   01-03-2006, 05:16 PM
I saw Kong over the weekend. I really liked it. My only complaint was that I thought the dinosaur section should have been shorter. I started to get bored with the dinosaurs and assorted creatures. But over all I liked it. I also liked the Denham and Darrow characters and the actors who played them.
saynomore   01-07-2006, 07:30 PM
Took Cindy my girlfriend to see Kong. She has not seen the original, so she was coming into this flick with few expectations.

Well, do you remember the first time you saw the original? That's how I re-experienced the new version by seeing it with someone who felt the wonder of the original.

Toward the end she kept asking, "Are they taking him back to the island? They should take him back." Tears welled up 'cause I couldn't tell her. She lost it a few times (once when Kong tapped on his chest to acknowledge the sunrise, the other when he is falling to his death). She thanked me for not telling her how it would turn out.

The first time I saw the movie, I was awed. The second time, I looked for the seams of the three walls. The third time, I felt what Cindy felt and saw it again as if for the first time, wonder and all. Third time was the charm.


P.S. Talk of this movie losing money seems premature. Every viewing I've attended has been sold out.
Blake   01-07-2006, 09:48 PM
I finally saw it yesterday morning. I loved it. Loved, loved, loved it. Kong himself was astonishing. I really don't get the people who complain about the effects. There's a moment in which Kong is eating, and the movements of his lips look astonishingly realistic. That scene really grabbed me. Having worked with real apes (albeit not gorillas), I was stunned at how much the effect sold me. The only moment in the whole movie that looked CG to me was the bit with the natives rock-hopping to the Venture. I bought the rest.

Complaints: few and minor. My biggest would be the sauropod dogpile, which really went on for a long time. I think it may have been played for laughs, but that would've worked better if there had been more people in the theater to get that vibe going. (That's not a comment on box office sales; I was at the least busy theater in town on a weekday morning.) I agree that the parts before the island could probably have been trimmed a bit, but there was nothing particulary detrimental to the movie for me, so I'd be hesitant to pick any particular thing that I thought just had to be cut. I'm happy enough with it as it is.

Raves: I have to disagree with some of the comments above about the dinosaur fight. It's long, yes, but it was freakin' awesome!!! Smile There was one suspenseful moment after another, and it really thrilled me. In fact, this movie delivered more suspense for me than any movie I can think of in recent memory. Great fun. I'd like to go back.

I was skeptical when Jackson said he wanted to make this movie, but he sold me. Now if he'll just do The Hobbit. Smile


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Medusa   01-07-2006, 10:01 PM
I loved the dinosaur scenes! I thought the first hour or so was what dragged. They could've cut some of that out and I would've been happy. But the special effects on Kong were incredible.
fpw   01-07-2006, 10:18 PM
saynomore Wrote:"Are they taking him back to the island? They should take him back."

Aw, man. Hearing that could break your heart.

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
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