Marc B. Wrote:and still need to get music and clean up the audio we've been holding off.
thisisatest Wrote:Steve D
If this is any indication of the professionalism I almost invested into, then I dodged a bullet.
Susan Wrote:I think it's Marc that dodged the bullet.
You are entitled to your opinion, but to post a personal cheap shot like that on the board was rude.
thisisatest Wrote:I hope aphew is not your pr man/woman. Is there something this board has against saynomore that I'm missing?
APhew Wrote:Did you just call me a man/woman!?!?!?!? IT'S ON!!!![]()
I'll admit, there is a bit of history with Saynomore on this board and the old board, but I wasn't responding to him just because it was him. I just found the post to be a bit nitpicky and I decided to respond in kind (but with my trademark sarcasm that I use to hide the fact that I'm vulnerable and lonely deep down inside because I never learned how to love).
Marc B. Wrote:My bad. I was remembering your message a little differently than it actually is (just went back and re-read it).
We've talked to a few direct-to-video distributors who are interested but want to see the final (or close to) final product. Since we're still cutting (just finished the second rough cut) and still need to get music and clean up the audio we've been holding off. And we might hold off anyway since we'd like to try and get a theatrical run, no matter how small, before video.
I'll be posting updates here when we make any final decisions and/or deals.
Susan Wrote:I think it's Marc that dodged the bullet.
You are entitled to your opinion, but to post a personal cheap shot like that on the board was rude.