I just got back from theater, and I wanna say "WooHoo!!!"

Still, my heartbeat is fast.
Now this is real Batman! I've been waiting for this new Batman/Bruce Wayne. Michael Keaton...? Well, he is not bad, but he doesn't look Bruce Wayne like original comics. Val Kilmer? No! Gimme a break! George Clooney? No! So I say "Batman is Christian Bale!" he is cool. I can't wait for next films.
Visual was awesome and stunned me. It's darker than Burton's Batman. Especially, Gotham city's design was brilliant. Dark, dirty, and danger. Look like a Blade Runner's city.
Speaking of characters, Scarecrow's hallucination scenes were chilly. Everybody say "Katie Holmes was weak", I think so too. She's too young. But I didn't care much about her. Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Ken Watanabe, they were nice casting for this movie. What a great actors!
Actually, I don't read any Dark Knight series yet. If I have a chance, I'll pick up them.