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fpw   03-31-2005, 07:16 PM
I saw a screening of this last night. Not for everyone (about as dark and violent and sexy as can be and still keep an "R") but definitely for me.

I've got nothing to liken it to because I've never seen anything like it. (And most likely neither have you.)

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
jimbow8   03-31-2005, 07:17 PM
fpw Wrote:I saw a screening of this last night. Not for everyone (about as dark and violent and sexy as can be and still keep an "R") but definitely for me.

I've got nothing to liken it to because I've never seen anything like it. (And most likely neither have you.)
Cool, I am planning on seeing this tomorrow night.

My friend was considering taking his 11 year old son. From your post it sounds like you wouldn't recommend it. Is this accurate?

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
The Mad American   03-31-2005, 07:37 PM
fpw Wrote:I saw a screening of this last night. Not for everyone (about as dark and violent and sexy as can be and still keep an "R") but definitely for me.

I've got nothing to liken it to because I've never seen anything like it. (And most likely neither have you.)

I think it is amazing that they made it look so much like Frank Miller's comic and graphic novel work. Definately a good movie.
law dawg   03-31-2005, 09:42 PM
fpw Wrote:I saw a screening of this last night. Not for everyone (about as dark and violent and sexy as can be and still keep an "R") but definitely for me.

I've got nothing to liken it to because I've never seen anything like it. (And most likely neither have you.)
How close does it stick to Miller's work? Loved that guy since the Dark Knight Returns.....
Scott Hajek   03-31-2005, 09:50 PM
law dawg Wrote:How close does it stick to Miller's work? Loved that guy since the Dark Knight Returns.....

Although, the follow-up to Dark Knight Returns wasn't that great. And, don't forget that Miller wrote the screenplay to Robocop 2. I believe that I am one of the few that actually liked that movie.

As far as Sin City goes, I am dying to see it. It seemed to come out of nowhere, though. Usually, I am pretty current on upcoming movies, but I only found out about it a couple of months ago.

Scott Hajek

[i]"A beer right now would sound good, but I'd rather drink one than listen to it."[/i]
fpw   04-01-2005, 08:46 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:Cool, I am planning on seeing this tomorrow night.

My friend was considering taking his 11 year old son. From your post it sounds like you wouldn't recommend it. Is this accurate?

My instinct tells me no (unless the kid has regular exposure to T&A and ultraviolence). My advice: he should see it first, then decide.

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
Kenji   04-01-2005, 11:35 AM
Oh..........I WANT to see this movie ASAP! This is my favorite genre movie. I saw trailer in
Very cool and stylish.

One problem is......I don't know when it's released in Japan. Sad
Tony H   04-04-2005, 10:12 AM
Just saw Sin City last night. What a visual treat, literally like nothing else ever made.

The story is a bit convoluted; non-linear storytelling seems to be the trend lately, thanks in part to Tarrentino who is the master of the craft. The main idea though is three separate stories told from the point of view of one of Frank Miller's gritty heros/anti-heros.

The film is visually impressive and uber-violent. The violence is over the top though in the same vein as Kill Bill and was tolerable only adding to the "Holy Shit!" effect.

The best story of the three will be up for debate no-doubt. My personal favorite was Mickey Rourke playing the brutal but, and dare I say it, loveable Marv from an adaptation of "The Hard Goodbye". A hulking Neanderthal of a ruffian who is out to avenge the one woman he ever loved.

Included in the vignettes are Hartigan, a down-on-his-luck copper with a bum ticker vowing to protect an eleven year old girl from a menace that vows to do her harm.

Lastly in the tale is Clive Owen as Dwight, the handsome killer and co-hort of the killer prostitute babes of Old Towne.

The film is shot and directed by Robert Rodriguez who brought us "From Dusk Til Dawn" and the "SPY KIDS" franchise. It is good to see our man back directing family fare such as this.

The only downside to the film is that after the first hour the novelty wears off. Halfway through the 2 hour and 15 minute running time I was checking my watch every ten minutes praying that the dark spectacle before me would end.

So what was missing in the film? Not much other than a plot and some character development. If you never read the comic books (graphic novels) on which the film was based you may end up a wee bit confused by some of the characters and what their deal is.

The only other downside is Brittany Murphy; interesting enough, I have said the same thing about every other movie I saw in which she had a role. Coincidence? I think not. This poor man's Drew Barrymore lacks any definition of talent. Any talent this starlet had was left on the set of Girl Interrupted.

The film is definitely not for minors, leave the kids home for this comic book inspired thriller as it contains gratuitous nudity, cannibalism, mutilations, and more crotch obliterations than Lorena Bobbitt in a Turkish Bathhouse.

So spend your money, see this movie and be prepared to be blown away by the visual styling of Frank Miller's Sin City.
This post was last modified: 04-04-2005, 10:48 AM by Tony H.
Alan   04-04-2005, 12:15 PM
I saw it this weekend and wasn't as impressed as some on the board. The visuals were interesting but at times it seemed like they were either trying to play a visual joke or were taking themselves way too seriously. If you love crime noir storytelling this is likely for you. If you are offended by cannibalistic Episcopalians it probably isn't. I give it 2 and a half out of 5 stars.
Biggles   04-04-2005, 05:33 PM
fpw Wrote:I saw a screening of this last night. Not for everyone (about as dark and violent and sexy as can be and still keep an "R") but definitely for me.

I've got nothing to liken it to because I've never seen anything like it. (And most likely neither have you.)

My son saw this Friday night. He said I would like it because of the violence. He also called it very "dark". If you and he both liked it, it probably can't miss for me. Big Grin

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
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