Lokheed Wrote:If you want an excellent primer on what comics are and what they can be, I highly recommend Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. It is a fascinating read, even if you are not "into" comics, because it goes into the nature of how we as humans percieve ourselves and the world around us, and why the comic form of iconic expression has such a powerful hold on us (Mickey Mouse, etc.). As a matter of fact, there was one chapter in the book that indirectly helped me understand how my son thinks, specifically because the autistic brain differs in those areas.
Lokheed Wrote:Comics have a connotation, particularly in the US, as being extremely juevenile.
Maggers Wrote:Well, Ken, I discovered that I'm not a graphic novel kinda girl. That's OK. I did like Superman comics when I was little. And the Sunday comics in the Daily News were fun, for a while. But something about the form doesn't grab me anymore.
Ahh well.... But I would love to see a graphic novel version of "The Keep," since it's a story I know and love.
fpw Wrote:Well, the revised contract is on my agent's desk, so I guess it's safe to tell you that IDW will be publishing a five-issue series of The Keep, scripted by yours truly and illustrated by the Forum's own Matthew D. Smith.
The first script is due this March with an eye toward starting publication this summer. The five issues will then be combined into a graphic novel.
I'm reeeeally looking forward to this. At last we'll see what the movie coulda / shoulda been.
Scott Miller Wrote:You should be able to find a local comics dealer in your yellow pages and if they don't carry it, they will undoubtedly be able to tell you how or where to do so. I don't know, FPW is notoriously stingy with his signature.