Biggles Wrote:I believe those A--holes were actually Cubans, and if they parachuted into any schoolyard in Western PA, they would have all been killed or captured by sunset (although I doubt we would take prisoners--I know I wouldn't). Every boy I knew growing up had a .30-30 deer rifle. Picture "the Deer Hunter" and hundreds of Robert DeNiros waiting to bag a kill.
Maggers Wrote:Thanks, Mick. I edited my post, too, to delete it so nobody gets to see it.![]()
To my eye, Cox has a notable face. He must have had bad acne in his youth; his face is badly pockmarked. Given his pasty, very white, sort of flabby face and unpretty skin, I am very much aware of Cox in every film he's in. Wow, that is not a kind description, for which I apologize because surely the man is talented. The 25th Hour (which I loved), The Minus Man (which I loved!), Rob Roy (which I also loved), Braveheart (ditto), Rushmore (ditto!!), The Bourne Identity (ditto)....guess I like a lot of the films he is in.
There's no denying he is a fine character actor.
Maggers Wrote:I really liked "Manhunter," directed by Michael Mann, by the way. I like it way better than the remake, "Red Dragon." I thought it was much more chilling and frightening. However, I think Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal is phenomenal. Brian Cox has always creeped me out, no matter what role he plays. But of the two Hannibals, I prefer Hopkins.
Mick C. Wrote:Kelly LeBrock made a major life-mistake later when she married Steven Seagal.
Mick C. Wrote:Kenji, I'm guessing you're a Gene LeBell fan then...
Kenji Wrote:Gene LeBell ? I didn't know about him, so I checked him in imdb.
All right, now I got it, he is stunt man, right? And............(thinking)...........? Oh, I understood!![]()
Mick C. Wrote:Gene LeBell (a very tough and experienced judoka and former professional wrestler) and Seagal had a famous argument on a film set after Seagal injured a stunt man on LeBell's crew. Things escalated, and LeBell choked Seagal unconscious. LeBell downplays the incident, but he occupies a prominent place in the hearts of Seagal-haters worldwide.
LeBell is a funny guy. He's been in literally hundreds of movies.
Mick C. Wrote:Gene LeBell (a very tough and experienced judoka and former professional wrestler) and Seagal had a famous argument on a film set after Seagal injured a stunt man on LeBell's crew. Things escalated, and LeBell choked Seagal unconscious. LeBell downplays the incident, but he occupies a prominent place in the hearts of Seagal-haters worldwide.That is an interesting story. I've never heard that one.
LeBell is a funny guy. He's been in literally hundreds of movies.