fpw Wrote:I've started writing the next Jack (working title: INFERNAL) and came into a situation (not in the outline) where Jack has to ditch his AMT .380 backup.I like the "Micro Desert Eagle" which i bought cus i couldn't afford the Simmerling LM4. It is not as small as the LM4 but nearly and is VERY accurate for a 'Close Range' backup gun.
Any suggestions for a replacement? (Remember, it's got to fit in an ankle holster.)
ramblinman09 Wrote:NO NO NO . . . the 'Micro Desert Eagle' is the way to go! Verty accurate gun and light and SMALL!It's unusual for this to happen, but FPW asked that question in early April . . . five years ago.
bjdotson Wrote:Not suggesting this as a backup weapon, but my home defense weapon is a 9mm tokarev. It's a little jewel; really fun to shoot and practically indestructible.