Hey guys,
Long time no see!
I just finished Fear City, greeeeat book! But I forgot how brutal some scenes could be in the books, hui. That Living Hell shit is really frightening... But also an ''interesting'' idea, what a torture that must be... Do people know of real life experiences? Is this sort of a "known" procedure? How long can people still live like that? I'm thinking about that stuff quite often at the moment, and every time I'm shaking :eek:
Sad it's now over, but I just realized I still can read the Young Adult ones, haven't done that yet.
But all that was not part of my question, this just came out when I started this thread :p
It's really a very long time ago since I read the first RJ books like Legacies etc., so I must admit I forgot a lot and should probably read those books again and perhaps my question is stupid. But in Fear City I was hoping to learn how Jack meets Gia. When I ended the book I was (and still am) a little disappointed. So, did I forget that stuff? Do I have to re-red the old books (ofc I have to, dumb question

Thanks guys and Paul for those great great books!
A warm greeting from Hamburg,