The Mad American Wrote:Kind of sorry to hear that to be honest. So far it seems they have really sanitized the Governor in comparison to what he was in the comics. Still the series is enjoyable and I am not complaining, I was happy to see Tyrese finally show up and hope they use his character close to what it was in the comics.
Yeah me too. If I remember correctly, he said it was a logistics problem. He would think of good stories for Rick and then realize because of what happened he couldn't use Rick without changing things around, which changed the nature of the story. And I agree completely, the Governor is nowhere near as bad as he should be, I hate Andrea more than him and long for her death as I did Lori's.
I am glad to see Rick become more like his comic book self, he was way too much of a pushover before. And it would be nice if they kept Tyrese around, especially if he turns out like comic Tyrese.