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Damin J. Toell   08-10-2011, 07:31 PM
So here's my spoilery thoughts.

First, although the title is surely meant as an allusion to NIGHTWORLD, it is quite literal: damn, does it get dark at the end.

Second, I think most of us figured there was a huge chance that Weezy and Eddie would die in this one. They hadn't yet existed at the time of the BP NIGHTWORLD edition (or the original edition, natch), so I figured that they would either die, or would appear in a very minor way in the final version of NIGHTWORLD (perhaps moved off the chessboard through less violent means).

I figured the same about the Lady, although I've never read the BP revision to see if she ever appeared there; I've only read the original 1992 edition.

With that in mind, while I kept expecting something to happen to Weezy, Eddie, and the Lady it just kept...not happening. As I was almost done with the book, I was momentarily happy that they would be sticking around for NIGHTWORLD. I mean, there was no way that, with the miniscule number of pages left, all three characters could be killed, right? Paul just doesn't do big sudden on that scale, right? Right?!

Anyway, I'm not complaining about it. After so much slow buildup to so many plot threads, having such a traumatic event happen all at once was refreshing. Gutting, but refreshing.

Third, a question: how did Rasalom get a hold of the Gaijin Masamune? I'm sure I just missed it somehow.
quikfix228   08-11-2011, 12:37 AM
jack was going to go drop it in the harbor the next day....a little late now? i guess weezys decision to go to the lodge was a better idea this time too
Keith the Elder   08-11-2011, 10:21 AM
Damin J. Toell Wrote:So here's my spoilery thoughts.

Third, a question: how did Rasalom get a hold of the Gaijin Masamune? I'm sure I just missed it somehow.

I must have missed that too!!
Anyone care to enlighten me on this point?

"Think for yourself and question authority" Leary

By the way, How are things in your town?
RootsReggae   08-11-2011, 10:52 AM
Isn't anyone wondering what happened to the Occulus and remaining Yencari? They were major players in Harbingers and I know they showed up again in one or two of the subsequent books. Then they just stopped being involved.
A-dono   08-11-2011, 11:02 AM
Gotta love the old exploding-fridge trick.

Jack should count himself lucky the Change is right around the corner. Bill Ryan unknowingly almost prevented Rasalom's rebirth just by turning down Carol's proposition and Rasalom practically destroyed his life for it, committing an unspeakable atrocity in the process. Jack bombed the crap out of him, fried his left hand, and came within in an inch of killing Rasalom just as he was on the cusp of his ultimate victory. It's hard to imagine how grotesque Rasalom's reprisal against Jack would've been if he hadn't been wrapped up with completing the Change.
cobalt   08-11-2011, 12:31 PM
Keith the Elder Wrote:I must have missed that too!!
Anyone care to enlighten me on this point?

There was a point after the R man got back to NYC after he healed. I think it was after he came out of the drug rehab center. It described where R snuck along an alley and broke into Jack's apt. to steal the blade.

Damin J. Toell   08-11-2011, 07:06 PM
cobalt Wrote:There was a point after the R man got back to NYC after he healed. I think it was after he came out of the drug rehab center. It described where R snuck along an alley and broke into Jack's apt. to steal the blade.

It figured that it happened while Drexler was driving him around, but somehow it didn't register for me. Thanks!
Scott Hajek   08-24-2011, 03:27 PM
This book is a mixed bag for me. Some parts were wrapped up quite nicely. While other loose ends seemed rushed in the resolution, even the ending.

Parts were downright fantastic! The assault on the house was so much fun to read. So intense, it seemed like heat was coming from the book.

So much more of this book relied on the Jack Secrets books and all are essential reads to truly enjoy this book. I'm so glad I read all three with no interruptions.

No matter what, the book is still great and I look forward to re-reading the entire RJ series from the beginning to the end.

Scott Hajek

[i]"A beer right now would sound good, but I'd rather drink one than listen to it."[/i]
rjack_fan   09-07-2011, 06:52 PM
I haven't read Nightworld, so please warn me if you post spoilers in response to this post.

I am curious about what R did in the ally near the brownstone when he took the black box with him, when he was being driven around after he returned from the house explosion. I am assuming that was Gia's house by the location, but my memory may be off. I am guessing he put the little triangle somewhere, but for what purpose?

Also curious about how he managed to insert the naming ceremony page into the Compendium. Will have to watch for that when I re-read the series.
Brian   09-07-2011, 07:04 PM
rjack_fan Wrote:I haven't read Nightworld, so please warn me if you post spoilers in response to this post.

I am curious about what R did in the ally near the brownstone when he took the black box with him, when he was being driven around after he returned from the house explosion. I am assuming that was Gia's house by the location, but my memory may be off. I am guessing he put the little triangle somewhere, but for what purpose?

I think this will be explained in one of the revisions in the final Nightworld. But, I could be wrong

Quote:Also curious about how he managed to insert the naming ceremony page into the Compendium. Will have to watch for that when I re-read the series.
I don't believe this was explained in earlier works. I think it's an exclusive to The Dark at the End.

There is no wise man without fault
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