So here's my spoilery thoughts.
First, although the title is surely meant as an allusion to NIGHTWORLD, it is quite literal: damn, does it get dark at the end.
Second, I think most of us figured there was a huge chance that Weezy and Eddie would die in this one. They hadn't yet existed at the time of the BP NIGHTWORLD edition (or the original edition, natch), so I figured that they would either die, or would appear in a very minor way in the final version of NIGHTWORLD (perhaps moved off the chessboard through less violent means).
I figured the same about the Lady, although I've never read the BP revision to see if she ever appeared there; I've only read the original 1992 edition.
With that in mind, while I kept expecting something to happen to Weezy, Eddie, and the Lady it just kept...not happening. As I was almost done with the book, I was momentarily happy that they would be sticking around for NIGHTWORLD. I mean, there was no way that, with the miniscule number of pages left, all three characters could be killed, right? Paul just doesn't do big sudden on that scale, right? Right?!
Anyway, I'm not complaining about it. After so much slow buildup to so many plot threads, having such a traumatic event happen all at once was refreshing. Gutting, but refreshing.
Third, a question: how did Rasalom get a hold of the Gaijin Masamune? I'm sure I just missed it somehow.