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Peter   07-23-2011, 04:40 PM
I agree with Scott, the remakes of The Thing and The Fly worked well. But they're the only two I can think of that did!

There seems to be a stupid attitude with filmakers at the moment where they won't take a risk but just want to keep repeating soemthing that did well before. Don't forget, even if the film is utter crap people still pay to go an see it. If they come out dissapointed well,so what. The money has been made.

Well, I've never seen one do THAT before
Kenji   07-24-2011, 02:05 AM
The Mad American Wrote:Nice. And yeah, I was excited about The Thing prequel but after seeing the trailers and reading about it some, it is pretty much a remake of the Carpenter/Russell version with woman added. A total waste.

Yes, indeed! I saw the trailer, but this remake can't go over Carpenter/Russell version. When I first saw Carpenter/Russell version in a theatre, I screamed(Hey, I was a kid!). Because it was really really scary movie!

But at this remake, I'll never scream.
RootsReggae   07-25-2011, 10:58 AM
AlvinFox Wrote:No, studios don't want to do new original movies. That's why The Dark Tower is no longer being made and At the Mountains of Madness was passed over.

Okay, it because the studios didn't want to put a whole bunch of money forward for an unproven product.

They canceled that dark tower!!! Sweet now that frees up Ron Howard to destroy Dan Brown's third Robert Langdon novel. YAY!
Tony H   07-25-2011, 11:01 AM
RootsReggae Wrote:They canceled that dark tower!!! Sweet now that frees up Ron Howard to destroy Dan Brown's third Robert Langdon novel. YAY!

Paramount just gave up on it. My bet is that another studio will sweep up the deal and run with it. It had big names attached and the source material is hell-a-popular. With big names, big money and a built-in fanbase, the Dark Tower will happen. Whether it takes the form of a movie series with interconnecting television series' to tie the tales together is another story.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
GeraldRice   07-26-2011, 11:05 AM
Ken Valentine Wrote:That'll be the death of the movie industry -- for me at least -- especially if they make idiotic movies about cowboys and aliens.

Ken V.

Hey-hey-hey. That looks pretty good.

They passed an old woman who was just opening the door of a brown Cadillac. An old man was already sitting in the passenger seat. The car had a personalized plate with the letters “J-U-S-P-R-A-Y”.
“That stuff work?” Israel said to her.
“‘Scuse me?” the little old woman said, clutching her keys.
“The spray. Does it keep them away?”
“Keep who away?” She looked confused.
“I gotcha.” Israel gave her a conspiratorial wink.
Lisa   07-26-2011, 11:22 AM
Yeah, that's true, Scott. Sometimes remakes are done right. The biggest difference I see is the period of time now that passes between versions. It used to be 20 or more years, but now it's just a few before someone decides we need a "reboot." How many versions of The Hulk or Spiderman do we need? Yikes.
Alvin Fox   07-26-2011, 11:48 AM
Warner Bros wants to reboot Batman already so they can fit it into their movie universe and ultimately make a Justice League movie.
Scott Miller   07-26-2011, 12:27 PM
Lisa Wrote:Yeah, that's true, Scott. Sometimes remakes are done right. The biggest difference I see is the period of time now that passes between versions. It used to be 20 or more years, but now it's just a few before someone decides we need a "reboot." How many versions of The Hulk or Spiderman do we need? Yikes.
I have specific criteria for whether a movie should be remade or rebooted and they are: taking a poorly made film based on a good idea or an older one that would benefit from modern movie making capabilities.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
Ken Valentine   07-27-2011, 05:22 AM
GeraldRice Wrote:Hey-hey-hey. That looks pretty good.
It's a matter of taste. So if it appeals to you, go for it.

As for me, I don't even want to hear about it.

Ken V.
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