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fpw   03-06-2011, 10:47 AM
AlvinFox Wrote:Could it be? Another link to Sibs?

Rob's partner is Augustino Monetti.
In Bloodline Hank Thompson was stopped in the middle of Fifth Avenue by a plainclothes detective Augustino.
That was more likely Renny Augustino from Reprisal.

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
Alvin Fox   03-06-2011, 12:46 PM
Gotcha. Reprisal is on the menu for next month.
Alvin Fox   04-03-2011, 08:56 AM
KRW Wrote:Th scene is in "All the Rage", it was when Jack crashed in Monroe. But the charecter that caused the wreck is in "the Touch". Baaa, you'll never get it.Wink

Now that I've started The Touch it's like reading a brand new book! I don't remember anything. Sylvia Nash sculpts bonsai trees into buildings, laminates and copies them and has galleries sell them for enormous sums of money? Like the one that looks like the Chrysler Building that Jack bought for $20,000 in By the Sword that's signed "Sylvia"? Had no idea it was a connection.

I need to pick up the pace and get the remaining books through Fatal Error read before The Dark at the End comes out.
Alvin Fox   04-10-2011, 01:12 PM
Yow. I knew "Slasher" was set in Monroe, but the links!

Jessica's body is found on the edge of old man Haskins's land.
The Jensen's live on Shore Drive as does Sylvia Nash (The Touch) and Charles Eldridge (The Peabody-Ozymandius Traveling Circus and Oddity Emporium).
Captain Hall of the Monroe PD is also in "Faces" and is a Sergeant in Reborn.

I also realized there's a Dr. Kline going around in several stories.
Dr. Edward Kline talks about Gil's sociopathy in "Tenants", Dr. Cantrell was going to have dinner with the Klines on his final night in "Buckets", and Gia goes to a Dr. Kline in Bloodline.
Sev   04-14-2011, 10:01 AM
Hi guys!

This seems the best place for these questions:

Has Dr. Buhmann appeared in any of FPWs other works?
(He is Abe's old Prof who had a stroke and began speaking in prime numbers)

And where did Jack encounter Jake and Sarge?

Help! Help!

Thank you!!

Alvin Fox   04-14-2011, 11:19 AM
I just have Dr. Buhmann as being in Infernal and Bloodline. He was also mentioned in Ground Zero. I'm far from done with all non-Secret History novels and stories though.

Jake was unnamed in Secret Vengeance with a mention of Sarge.
Mr Lasso   04-18-2011, 01:22 AM
I just have to say this is all incredible. I have only read Adversary and RJ series, so I wasn't aware of the other works that had connections. I'm now going to read them all, but wow. It really is amazing to see something like this. FPW, you are a genius!
KRW   04-18-2011, 01:35 AM
Mr Lasso Wrote:I just have to say this is all incredible. I have only read Adversary and RJ series, so I wasn't aware of the other works that had connections. I'm now going to read them all, but wow. It really is amazing to see something like this. FPW, you are a genius!

Call him genius all day long if you want. The true way to his heart is to give him guacamole. I kid you not.Cool

On a serious note, I find it very neat that he ties in all of his books in some way shape or form. Those little "AH HA" moments when I catch them add that much more to the story. IMO.Smile
Ken Valentine   04-18-2011, 02:28 PM
KRW Wrote:Call him genius all day long if you want. The true way to his heart is to give him guacamole. I kid you not.Cool

On a serious note, I find it very neat that he ties in all of his books in some way shape or form. Those little "AH HA" moments when I catch them add that much more to the story. IMO.Smile
They DO add a lot to the stories, and they also cause people to read them very carefully.

Ken V.
KRW   04-18-2011, 10:41 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:They DO add a lot to the stories, and they also cause people to read them very carefully.

Ken V.

That they do. It can also cause us to find smoke when there's no fire. It's why I always feel awkward asking a question based soley upon a single line in a book. (but I do anyway) At what point do I cross the line and sound like a Trekkie asking William Shatner .................... you get the point.Smile
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