Awesome!! Anyway you can stretch it to 6?
Ok,ok...I'll be happy with 5
Seriously though....this is awesome news. Cant WAIT for much as I'm loving the current storylines,I kind of miss early unencumbered Jack. Looking fwd. to getting back to the down and dirty early days.
And as much as I've ragged on George Lucas for doing things like this,I cant deny I'd read about Julio:The Early Years. Where did he come from? Where did he get the money to start his bar? And for the kids...ABES FIRST GUN:A POPUP BOOK(publisher and writer are not responsible for any injuries received from misfiring popups). And,and...the early years of The Ladies Dogs. How and when were they paper-trained????? WE NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!
Ok...I'll stop now. I just dont want the Jack-verse to end anytime soon.