Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Blast my wicked hide, I did not know! Gotta get on the phone for copies fer me and pal Kenji!
Wait a minute, idiot--you're online, ain't yez?
Good point!
Pardon me...
flyingfox Wrote:Ark at you lot, moaning about a thousand miles or more, mine has to swim the Atlantic
Mine is on order via Amazon UK, back order. I think last I looked it was March 2011:mad:
Kenji Wrote:THanks Mike! I can't wait!
fpw Wrote:Just heard from Barry: The numbered copies started going out today, lettereds will follow soon.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Got it, read it, sending a copy across the mighty Pacific to Kenji.
"So, children, what did we learn here?"
(A chorus of little voices
"If you mess with Jack's friend, you mess with Jack!"
"Is that a good idea, children?"
"No! That is a very bad idea!"
"That's right, children!"
Kenji Wrote:Yeah, I received the book, Mike. Thank you!
I was reading Deaver's EDGE, but I have to put it down and I'll start reading Secret Vengeance.