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Scott Hajek   05-20-2009, 03:04 PM
Drlazarus Wrote:I'm a long time Star Trek fan and I loved the new movie. It managed to modernize it, without ruining the source material.

I can't wait for a sequel!

How can you say that it didn't ruin the source material? It depends on it for the storyline, but then throws ALL of it away for any future efforts. It doesn't leave any wiggle room for incorporating the original series (ALL OF THEM) into this "new" storyline / alternate universe.

I did love the acting, the special effects and the "updates" to the characters. But, the storyline was way too flawed for my tastes and there were just too many inconsistencies in the writing.

I do hope for a sequel, though. And, I will likely see the movie again.

Scott Hajek

[i]"A beer right now would sound good, but I'd rather drink one than listen to it."[/i]
KRW   05-21-2009, 12:39 AM
Brian Wrote:Alrighty then, who is going to see this one? It opens here tonight. We have plans for dinner and then will see it for one of the late shows tomorrow night.

We'll be seeing it this weekend for my dads birthday! I'll post some thoughts on it later.
saynomore   05-21-2009, 11:12 PM
Loved the movie. Hated the inconsistencies with the source material. Only true Trekker geeks will be complaining though. Such as that creature who hangs out with Scottie; is that a character or a commercial for a new Star Trek toy?

Dervish   05-22-2009, 12:00 AM
Star Trek has always been inconsistent. At least this movie gives a REASON for why they're separating from canon, rather than hoping no one notices. :p
LolaRennt   05-22-2009, 10:15 PM
I really enjoyed the movie although the critter that hung with Scotty didn't seem to belong. Loved McCoy's grumblings...

If they do make another movie, they need to play off of Kirk's immaturity and recklessness and make it dark - destroy a culture or something. That's one thing I couldn't stand about Enterprise - they missed so many opportunities to create some real tension. Wimps.

Make Kirk the reason for the creation of the Prime Directive...ha ha...

I don't like all fluff all the time...

Why do I always do this to myself???
Mick C.   05-22-2009, 11:03 PM
LolaRennt Wrote:I really enjoyed the movie although the critter that hung with Scotty didn't seem to belong. Loved McCoy's grumblings...

If they do make another movie, they need to play off of Kirk's immaturity and recklessness and make it dark - destroy a culture or something. That's one thing I couldn't stand about Enterprise - they missed so many opportunities to create some real tension. Wimps.

Make Kirk the reason for the creation of the Prime Directive...ha ha...

I don't like all fluff all the time...

I thought they took a pretty big dark move (without giving up any spoilers) in this one.

I always pictured Kirk as being responsible for the creation of a lot of Starfleet HR rules.

"Flow with the Go."

- Rickson Gracie
LolaRennt   05-23-2009, 12:51 AM
Well, certainly what the villain did was dark. But that's the thing - it was the villain's doing, not the accidental recklessness of a young immature crew. Granted, for this movie that would have been out of place. If there are going to be other movies, though, I expect to see something go horribly wrong because of youth and inexperience.

And yeah...I pictured the same thing about Kirk.

Why do I always do this to myself???
Dervish   05-25-2009, 12:26 AM
In TOS, Kirk and crew were extremely reckless & foolish at times. It's just through the magic of script writing and wanting to impart ideals rather than anything practical, it all worked out ok in the end despite this. Wink
Brian   05-25-2009, 10:30 AM
LolaRennt Wrote:Make Kirk the reason for the creation of the Prime Directive...ha ha...

I could see that. He's foolish enough it seems.

There is no wise man without fault
KRW   05-26-2009, 08:35 PM
Brian Wrote:I could see that. He's foolish enough it seems.
He definitely was. And you were spot on about his face, I'd like to think all of the early beatings he took, helped to make him a better fighter. He may still have to battle the lizard! (The Arena)

All in all this movie rocked. I was busy looking for any sign on how this Star Trek divided from the time line, and honestly, it took me 3/4's of the movie before it smacked me in the back of the head. I was busy doing a character study on the characters themselves and how true they were to the originals to notice it any earlier. I would definitely be in favor of a sequel!
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