ImDeranged Wrote:She continues to pop up and guest star in various tv shows. She still is involved in Dark Shadows releasing books through her company.
Big Finish Audio has also revived DS as audio cds set in present time. She stars again as Maggie coming home to Collinwood for the first time in years.
Nice to know. Although once Kate Jackson showed up, my heart was gone

What part of Spanaway are you in, Deranged? I used to manage a trailer park and storage unit out on 112th and Pacific Avenue (just off the 512 freeway) back in the late 1970s.
It was right across the street from Franklin Pierce High School. I don't even know if it's still there, and I don't even remember what it was called...I think it was Sentry Trailer Park and Storage.
Yeah, Cobalt, I was more into SF then, but there weren't a lot of good SF shows on back in the had "Lost In Space" (which wasn't much for SF, really); "Star Trek" (I referred to it as "Wagon Train Goes To Space", much to my foster dad's chagrin); and "Time Tunnel".
I liked the concept behind "Time Tunnel". The only show I've seen since then had a similar concept I enjoyed was "Quantum Leap".