colburn0004 Wrote:After watching the Series I loved seeing the characters on other shows. Like Stringer Bell on the office for a few episodes and until I watched The Wire I always referred to the skinny guy as Abadon from Lost but now i always remember him as Daniels.
I only finished the series maybe a month ago and I already want to rewatch it. It's just that good.
Brian Wrote:Law and Order is good for that as well. I remember one old episode when Dennis Franz played a part and then next season he was on NYPD Blue.
GeraldRice Wrote:I finished devouring Season 1 yesterday. That was great. I have to get season 2 from the library, I'm not waiting on HBO to put up the next ones. There are no cardboard characters here and everyone has his or her share of ugly. Omar, by far, is my favorite character. Then probably Avon Barksdale. The guy works SO hard to stay invisible. But I love how he is extremely family oriented. He should have killed DeAngelo a couple times over. And the guy runs a soup kitchen. It's very rare to have the good guys be as interesting as the bad guys.
colburn0004 Wrote:You've past the point of no return you will now probably go crazy til you finish the seriesThe scene where Deangelo was flipping out on Stringer and asking where Wallace was, was great. Bodie will always be my most Hated/Loved character from the show for his scene with Wallace.
GeraldRice Wrote:Is Bodie the one who escaped from juvie? That was hilarious- he just got there, pushed around a bucket and walked out. It seems so ridiculous as to not be believed but I wouldn't be surprised if they'd researched and found instances of that happening.
I love how richly complex Barksdale is. He's a badguy, but he's not a scumbag. He has a fairness to him. Like when he was yelling at the ref for the bad call, but when the ref relented and was going to let him have a do-over he didn't take it and screamed at the ref that you can't do that. But then he'll have his girl killed because she threatened to expose him.
colburn0004 Wrote:Yes Bodie is the one that escapes juvie. You are making me want to watch the series again. The characters just grow so much over the seasons. The next season is a little bit of a trail off from the rest of the series. Some like it and some hate it. I thought it was good in the sence of the series with things that come into play later in the series but as a season alone its probably my least favorite season. With this series that isn't saying much as every episode is simply amazing imho.
Scott Miller Wrote:I don't know if either of have or are doing so, but make an effort to watch the extras; they are top notch and you'll discover that most of everything that happens in the show imitates to actual events.