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Maggers   05-30-2008, 04:47 PM
Aprilis Wrote:I was thinking ... and the people on the island dont know the 6 got away. Sawyer knew the helicopter had a gas leak and that they HAD to land on the boat. And since the helicopter didnt come back maybe they think that all on the helicopter and boat are dead.

I think our intrepid survivors on the Island think everyone off the Island is dead. I think the last scene with Sawyer swimming up to Juliet on the beach and looking so fabulously sexy coming out of the water is a set up for a kind of I-can't-have-Kate-you-don't have-Jack-so-how-about-we-get-it-on kind of thing.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

cobalt   05-30-2008, 04:52 PM
Maggers Wrote:I think our intrepid survivors on the Island think everyone off the Island is dead. I think the last scene with Sawyer swimming up to Juliet on the beach and looking so fabulously sexy coming out of the water is a set up for a kind of I-can't-have-Kate-you-don't have-Jack-so-how-about-we-get-it-on kind of thing.

Hell, if Juliet turns that down.....she's nuts. Sawyer is definitely a hottie. :eek6:

jimbow8   05-30-2008, 08:30 PM
I found this on Lostpedia and VAGUELY remember hearing reference to it in one of the podcasts. It's all hilariously clear now.

Quote:The secret production code name for the [Season 4] finale twist is "The Frozen Donkey Wheel."

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Maggers   05-30-2008, 09:12 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:I found this on Lostpedia and VAGUELY remember hearing reference to it in one of the podcasts. It's all hilariously clear now.

That came up at dinner with friends tonight. I also had a big AH-HA! moment with it.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Barry Lee Dejasu   06-01-2008, 07:52 AM
First off, I DON'T WANT LOCKE TO BE DEAD! But then, Jack "knew" Christian was dead when he was in Australia (i.e. OFF the Island), and yet once on the Island, we have an empty coffin and the Adventures of the Disappearing/Reappearing Christian all through the present. Right? Following me? So...

...who's to say Lock won't just "appear" to be dead OFF the Island, but once he gets back on (and Ben *did* say everyone had to go back together, Locke included), he'll be alright? Right? Right?

If you disagree, I plead the We Don't Know What's Coming LOST Amendment.

As for Michael: I really don't know for certain...perhaps Christian was there to save Michael? I just don't know what to say about him.

And as for Jin, we don't KNOW he's dead, because as much of a possibility that Jin was working behind-the-scenes with the panda baby shower gift, etc., it's also a distinct possibility that someone (say, Widmore? Or perhaps Ben) had rescued him and had him working for them in hiding, even from Sun for her own protection (or other reasoning).

Finally, a few of my favorite scenes:
  • James (or is it still accurate to call him Sawyer?) calling Frank Kenny Rogers. Hi-LARIOUS!
  • Desmond and Penelope getting reunited. I'm sorry, but that was just heartwarming and charming.
  • Hurley thanking Sawyer for saving him, and Sawyer's "I'm-too-cool-to-be-sentimental" response. Very touching in a nice, real way.
  • Ben going down into the tunnel to turn the "frozen donkey wheel" to move the Island. Yay, a slight nod at explanation in a LOST episode!
  • The Island "moving." Whoah...trippy, man!
I also liked the Jeremy Bentham nom de LOST. I'm sure that if and when Blackwell updates the LOST and Philosophy book, there'll be tons of thoughts on Locke's choice of that name.

...dammit, I don't want Locke to be dead! Jin too, and same with Michael, but ESPECIALLY not Locke!
This post was last modified: 06-01-2008, 09:44 AM by Barry Lee Dejasu.

"...and your last thought is that you have become a noise...a thin, nameless noise among all these others...howling in the empty dark room"
--Ulver, "Nowhere/Catastrophe"
[Image: geomorfos.jpg]
Maggers   06-01-2008, 11:11 AM
Barry Lee Dejasu Wrote:And as for Jin, we don't KNOW he's dead, because as much of a possibility that Jin was working behind-the-scenes with the panda baby shower gift, etc...
Not quite sure what you mean here. Jin buying the panda for his boss to give to a political person with whom his boss wants to curry favor is not exactly working behind the scenes. That's the sort of stuff he did for Paik when he was first hired, before he turned to the "wet work." Jin told the nurse that he was a newlywed. For me, that scene was a simple flashback just meant to confuse us due to the way it was edited in and out of Sun's scenes of giving birth to their daughter.

I want Jin to have survived, and because we didn't actually see what happened to Jin, I hold out great hope that he has survived, unlike last season's finale with Charlie. Not only had Charlie's death been predicted ad infinitum by Desmond, we witnessed his death. We haven't with Jin. So, I think we'll see more of him. I hope we do.

But even without witnessing Jin's being blown to smithereens, it's hard to imagine how he survived the explosion and where would he have gone afterwards if he did?

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Maggers   06-01-2008, 01:00 PM

Jeremy Bentham was quite a man, a child prodigy and brilliant thinker. In reading about him in Wikipedia (link 1 above) I also checked out his idea for a "panopticon" (link 2 above) and couldn't help thinking that would be something the Others on the Island could create or perhaps have already created for problem folks on the Island, like whoever is left from our Oceanic 815 survivors.

Among the many things a "panopticon" is, it's a prison where the watching is done by those who are watched. That would set up the survivors to be watching themselves, which can lead to all sorts of difficulties, paranoia and loss of trust amongst them, I would imagine. Perhaps that's why Charlie came back to say they need help, and why "Jeremy Bentham" (aka Locke) told Jack that some terrible things have happened on the Island.

Bu alas, my ruminations on what is going on in this show haven't lead me very far before. That Wikipedia link just got me thinking.....

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

jimbow8   06-02-2008, 11:30 PM
Here's a fantastic little video of a scene that was deleted from Season Four episode, The Economist. I assume that since it was deleted that it can't be considered canon, but.... it certainly is cool.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Maggers   06-02-2008, 11:37 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Here's a fantastic little video of a scene that was deleted from Season Four episode, The Economist. I assume that since it was deleted that it can't be considered canon, but.... it certainly is cool.
Woo hoo! Thanks for that, Jim. Awesome!

I imagine that will be in the extra material on the Season 4 disc set. I want more information on Miles. Much as I enjoy Daniel, Miles is the most interesting of the 3 "scientists" brought to the Island on the freighter.

Jim, I'm giving you the assignment to find more of those clips. Big Grin

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

jimbow8   06-02-2008, 11:57 PM
Maggers Wrote:Woo hoo! Thanks for that, Jim. Awesome!

I imagine that will be in the extra material on the Season 4 disc set. I want more information on Miles. Much as I enjoy Daniel, Miles is the most interesting of the 3 "scientists" brought to the Island on the freighter.
One of the commenters mentions that some of these clips might be incorporated into the actual episodes on the Season 4 DVDs. I don't have any idea where he/she got that info or whether it is in the least bit true, but it would be mighty cool. Big Grin

Jim, I'm giving you the assignment to find more of those clips. Big Grin
Umm.... OK.... Umm.... sure. I'll get right on that. :p Rest assured, though, that if and when I do find them, I will post them post haste.
This post was last modified: 06-03-2008, 12:00 AM by jimbow8.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
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