lexator222 Wrote:Really??? Ya think that they would really change the ending because of a 20 something year old movie? I would really hope not!
Wapitikev Wrote:They might...but since there are no copyright issues, they shouldn't have to.That would be really funny. One thing, though, Alien is a really well known movie, I mean, the people in my class have actually heard of it.
It might even be kinda funny for Jack to make some backhanded comment about feeling like he's in some damn James Cameron movie...something like "Unfortunately, taking off and nuking the ship from orbit isn't an option."
Libby Wrote:That would be really funny. One thing, though, Alien is a really well known movie, I mean, the people in my class have actually heard of it.They might be afraid that the public will not like it, "I didn't like that movie, I mean, the ending was so similar to Alein! I will tell every one I know not to see that movie."
Wapitikev Wrote:If we are going to see any tampering, my bet is that it will occur at the end of the filming with them shooting multiple endings to "audience test." That's where the real fate of the movie could be decided.
NickelobLight Wrote:This.
Wapitikev Wrote:Huh?
NickelobLight Wrote:Sorry. I've been lurking on fark.com for too long.
When someone quotes you and just says "This" it means they agree with you.
It comes from the Douglas Adams book So Long and Thanks for All the Fish. There's a scene where Arthur is riding in Fenchurch's brother's Saab with Fenchurch and her brother. She's in the backseat asleep. Her brother, (Russel if I'm not mistaken), is telling Arthur that she's crazy and thinks she's a hedgehog. He goes on to say that if someone thinks they're a hedgehog, presumably you give them a mirror and a picture of a hedgehog, and let them sort it out for themselves. At roughly this point, Fenchurch shoots up, wide awake, and says "This." Then she falls back asleep.
Yeah, a long explanation. It probably would have been quicker if I had just said, "I agree with this statement," instead of "This." Ah well. Que sera sera, yes?
Wapitikev Wrote:Huh?
Maggers Wrote:I had no clue, either.