Kenji Wrote:Heroes, Weeds, Dexter............Hmm.
I haven't seen them yet!Hopefully, next year....well, actually Heroes's DVD come out next February. I'm looking forward to Heroes!
Schwinn160 Wrote:If you haven't read any, you need to check out the free Heroes novels. They're a fun addition to the show!
Weatherford Wrote:Can't you download them, Kenji? I know I can here in Ireland (though, too slow!)
Kenji Wrote:I don't know that site... :confused:
Schwinn160 Wrote:
There are 66 of them so far! They give some parts of the shows that you never see and some of them enhance parts you see during the shows.
Another great site is
It's a fan site for Heroes and there are some good bits of fan fiction posted there.
Noelie Wrote:Like Maggers said, stick with Dexter. I found Deb somewhat annoying at the beginning, but as Jennifer Carpenter hit her stride in the role she became tons better (at least to me). I have such a girl crush on Deb, sometimes I wish I could be that flat out obnoxious to people I don't like.And Doakes, well.. Doakes is Doakes.
Maggers Wrote:I'm laid up for a bit recuperating from knee surgery. I wast thinking of getting the boxed set of the first season of HEROES to help pass the time. Is it worth it? I haven't seen it at all.