AsMoral Wrote:I wished it was my first time watching Heroes. I remember when it first started, what a thrill. Then the lackluster finale and season 2 really left me disappointed.
Dexter is a pretty good show, I like it, but have to watch it on bit torrent as i don't have showtime.
Weeds, just haven't watched it. Based on your review I will probably buy season 1. If it isn't any good I'll have to kill you.
AsMoral Wrote:Then the lackluster finale and season 2 really left me disappointed.
AsMoral Wrote:Weeds, just haven't watched it. Based on your review I will probably buy season 1. If it isn't any good I'll have to kill you.
Maggers Wrote:Stick with DEXTER, Scott, it's worth it.
I liked the first couple of seasons of WEEDS better than the third which just closed. It is a wild show, but the best of it is brother-in-law Andy, who barely surfaced in the third season.
Noelie Wrote:Like Maggers said, stick with Dexter. I found Deb somewhat annoying at the beginning, but as Jennifer Carpenter hit her stride in the role she became tons better (at least to me). I have such a girl crush on Deb, sometimes I wish I could be that flat out obnoxious to people I don't like.And Doakes, well.. Doakes is Doakes.