went and saw Bourn Supremacy Saturday. As I left, I heard several employees at the theatre saying that Catwoman was the one movie that has yet to be sold out. At least half the seats in each showing are empty.
Not that that's the reason why I'll never go see it, rent it, or buy it. I might be a guy, and have no problem with occasionally seeing a movie with a good looking woman or three in it... but I'm a fan of the Catwoman that has always been portrayed before this. You know, the one that wears an outfit that while showing she has some good attributes, hides them from view at the same time. It'd be something else entirely if Catwoman was always scantily clad throughout the whole entire comic book and tv series genre.
Combined with the fact that the previews didn't have enough plot for me to stay interested for more than a second, makes me hope the movie dies a quick death.