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mkmfpwfan   12-11-2007, 09:11 PM
Judd Hirsch would be a good choice for Abe. He is a very good actor. I remember him frm back in the Taxi days How about Howard Stern as Abe j/k------Mark
Biggles   12-11-2007, 10:45 PM
webby Wrote:I think Judd Hirsch or Rob Reiner would be fablous as Abe. What's Judd up to these days? I'm thinking he'd probably be available. Smile

Unfortunately, I have ballooned up to 225 pounds (on a 6" frame) so I am officially putting my name in for the role. I figure they can use CG to shorten me up a bit and I'll be perfect.

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
Ken Valentine   12-12-2007, 01:35 AM
Biggles Wrote:Unfortunately, I have ballooned up to 225 pounds (on a 6" frame) so I am officially putting my name in for the role. I figure they can use CG to shorten me up a bit and I'll be perfect.

Are you bald? Never mind . . . that can be dealt with.

Ken V.
IanSF   12-12-2007, 03:39 PM
Judd Hirsch could certainly capture Abe's character, I liked the part he played as Jeff Goldblum's father in Independence Day. He'd have to do a 'Biggles' though and put on some pounds. Maybe we should start sending him lots of Entenmann's. Big Grin
Sigokat   12-12-2007, 04:34 PM
IanSF Wrote:Judd Hirsch could certainly capture Abe's character, I liked the part he played as Jeff Goldblum's father in Independence Day. He'd have to do a 'Biggles' though and put on some pounds. Maybe we should start sending him lots of Entenmann's. Big Grin

I was wondering who Judd Hrisch was...and now I know!

I was actually thinking of an actor (don't know his name) that was in Indepedence Day as well, but not Jeff Goldblum's father. I was thinking of the Jewish guy that works with Jeff Goldblum at the cable company. Know who I'm talking about? he's a little ecentric in ID4, but I think he might be a good Abe.

Major K

"He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a Prince." George Graham Vest

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." - Maurice Maeterlinck
Noelie   12-12-2007, 05:09 PM
sigokat Wrote:I was actually thinking of an actor (don't know his name) that was in Indepedence Day as well, but not Jeff Goldblum's father. I was thinking of the Jewish guy that works with Jeff Goldblum at the cable company. Know who I'm talking about? he's a little ecentric in ID4, but I think he might be a good Abe.

Harvey Fierstein?

How many vikings does it take to change a light bulb?

None. The light from the burning monastery is more than sufficient.

May the Norse be with you.

cobalt   12-12-2007, 05:56 PM
Noelie Wrote:Harvey Fierstein?
That was him. Harvey also was on Broadway in "Hairspray". He played the mom, and he did a fantastic job!....IMHO......but as Abe.....I would just picture him in a sparkly gown and high heels......:eek:

Al-Dog   12-13-2007, 02:18 PM
I had thought the actor who played the lawyer on NBC’s Kidnapped last season would make a great Abe. I finally got off my butt and found out his name is Ricky Jay. He’s a Brooklyn born Jewish-American who in addition to his work as a character actor, is a professional slight of hand artist.

And speaking of Kidnapped, I had thought that Jeremy Sisto’s character Knapp had a kind of Repairman Jack vibe (except for the fact that he didn’t disappear when the FBI showed up).
Kenji   12-13-2007, 07:24 PM
Al-Dog Wrote:I had thought the actor who played the lawyer on NBC’s Kidnapped last season would make a great Abe. I finally got off my butt and found out his name is Ricky Jay. He’s a Brooklyn born Jewish-American who in addition to his work as a character actor, is a professional slight of hand artist.

Yeah! I can see him as Abe.

Al-Dog Wrote:And speaking of Kidnapped, I had thought that Jeremy Sisto’s character Knapp had a kind of Repairman Jack vibe (except for the fact that he didn’t disappear when the FBI showed up).

I saw Kidnapped a little while ago on cable channel. Jeremy Sisto was cool.
Barry Lee Dejasu   12-16-2007, 05:54 PM
He's a bit small, so I'm not sure, but did anyone see The Mist or Infamous? Toby Jones is who I have in mind - he certainly is capable of it, even if he's slightly off in the visual description.

"...and your last thought is that you have become a noise...a thin, nameless noise among all these others...howling in the empty dark room"
--Ulver, "Nowhere/Catastrophe"
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